Guatemala Christmas Worship

  • by WMD
  • Jan 04, 2016
  • 1085 reads

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord’”(Luke 2:10,11). 

Guatemala UBF had its 2015 Christmas Worship Service on December 20th, with more than 150 residents at a native village called Coban, which is about 5 hours distance from the capital of Guatemala City. This year, we chose to help unfortunate neighbors to have their own Christmas Worship service at a village with hills and valleys. This village is Shepherd Edwar’s native place, and so we chose to help these unfortunate neighbors because we have not showed support to our neighbors for several years.  

Shepherd Edwar delivered a message, titled "Good News of Great Joy,” and a native female relative interpreted the message in their native language. Some sisters sang a special song titled “O Holy Night,” and brother Raul screened a video drama on the Nativity that had been produced at the Guatemala UBF Center. In particular, Dr. Abraham G. Salazar, a dentist and shepherd, all by himself provided dental examinations and treatments free of charge to about 50 patients, with his ability as a veteran dentist he displayed, and practiced the love of shepherd Jesus.    

We played a game with the kids and gave to residents secondhand clothes and toys, which had been prepared for them sincerely. Through this, we thanked God for His abundance and we also realized the importance of sharing life with others. Shepherd Edwar's mother wholeheartedly served lunch for about 200 residents and us. I pray that this family, who still Catholic, may become a family that offers their passion to the Lord and the gospel.  

Co-workers, not to go together with us, offered a CWS, based on a message delivered by M. Marcos Nam at the Center. In one word, we practiced and learned the love and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus who has come to a manger through this Christmas Worship Service. In the New Year, we pray that the Lord may help us to preach the gospel to many sheep and raise up many disciples.

In Christ, 

M. Josue Ham.