The First House Church in Peru UBF: Jorge & Caty

  • by WMD
  • Dec 10, 2015
  • 1723 reads

The first house church between Jorge and Caty has been build up, officiated by Sh. Efrain in Peru on November 28th. This is the first fruit that a Mexican shepherd sent as a missionary to another country has born. The Lord’s great servant, Mother Barry came here to give the blessing on them without concealing her joy, by a long flight for 15 hours despite the pains in her legs.

Besides her 9 Korean missionaries came: M. Elias Park(Brazil), M. Esteban Cho(Bolivia), M. Isaac, Mary & Mary Jr. Cho (Argentina), M. Abraham & Sarah Hwang(Mexico), M. Jose Ahn, and Anna Yang(Chicago). Through their blessed prayers, the wedding ceremony hall, filled with more than one hundred parents, relatives of both families and sheep, was full of spiritual blessings from above.

Jorge and Caty have started toward their voyage with a decision to positively serve pioneering work, gaining their rooms near the Center by faith in spite of difficult materialistic environments. Based on Matt. 6:33, their wedding key verse, now Jorge is studying to be a chef, attending to his job; finishing his program for 1 and a half years, he prays for gaining a new job as a chef. Caty, who studied a psychology, prays that she may finish her thesis and have a job.

On Sunday Mother Barry delivered a message full of grace titled “Jesus’ Peace” based on Colossians 3:1-17. After an abundant lunch, we heard Mother Barry’s spiritual secrets, experiences, and lessons like gold untill 5 p.m. Missionaries and students together asked her questions; in particular, this fellowship caused the sheep of Peru to be full of a trust and have a manger vision of the work of Peru.    

M. Efrain does not get enough salary as an English teacher of junior high school to attain the level to receive a permanent visa due to a low tax. So he cannot but stay with a one year short term visa all his life. We pray that he may get a permanent visa, by opening the business in Peru which M. Esteban Cho in Bolivia has been already done. 

We also pray that Peru UBF may get a new Bible Center for the 20 to 30 people who now begin to attend at the Sunday worship service. For this Mexico City UBF presented an offering, and Sh. Blas (Acatlan UBF) added to his offering. We are thankful that Mother Barry gave a sacrificial offering and prayed for it. Today (Nov. 29), we are going to visit the San Marcos University and to pray for it, and then to return home.

M. Sarah Hwang, Mexico City UBF