Dr. Moses Chung had CME in Depok UBF

  • by WMD
  • Sep 18, 2015
  • 1971 reads

I praise and thank God for your devotion and love to expand God’s kingdom even to the point of death. I earnestly pray that God may fill you with the Holy Spirit and abundant word of God so that you may oversee God’s ministry worldwide.

Out of his deep love for our missionaries in Indonesia, God sent his servant Dr. Moses Chung so we could learn about the history of Christianity through six lectures which covered the early church, the medieval church, the Reformation, the modern church, and postmodern church from  05/10/15 to 5/19/15.

Through these lectures God opened our hearts and our spirits were challenged. God also restored our spirits and gave us the desire to grow as his servants and please him.  Dr. Moses Chung delivered the Sunday message in Depok Center with the title, “ The Characteristics of True Christians from a Historical Perspective.” We could learn a lot from Barnabas and made a decision to love God wholeheartedly, love and respect one another, and bear with the failings of the weak. We especially learned the genuine love and fellowship of the early Christians.

Just as the Antioch Church was used as the frontline of world mission work, supporting the Jerusalem Church, God gave us a vision for Indonesia UBF to be the center of world mission, supporting Southeast Asia, Korea, United States, and whole world with the gospel and material support. Currently, with the exception of Depok Center, most of our chapters have only one or two families. Our missionaries have been suffering a lot and felt very lonely. But through DR. Moses’ CME and Sunday message, we were very much encouraged and we could taste deep joy and happiness.

After having a packed schedule for 9 nights and 10 days, Dr. Moses Chung left Indonesia. We were sorry to see him go and unanimously agreed that it would be good if CME was not a one time event, but that UBF headquarters might enable there to be more CME’s in the future so that we could grow spiritually and work hard for the task of world mission.

M. Peter Lee, Indonesia