Dr.John Jun’s CME At Guadalajara UBF

  • by WMD
  • Sep 17, 2015
  • 2294 reads

Dr. John Jun recently stayed in Guadalajara for a week. In only 6 years Guadalajara has modernized greatly. There were many buildings and new cars in the streets. We are praying that they may improve not only outwardly but also spiritually. We had Bible studies on Ephesians 1:1-19, Ephesians 2:1-10, Galatians 5:16-24. Timothy Rhee , Hanna Rhee, Marcos Jung, Gideon Kim, Elizabeth Kim, Challenger Song, Susanna Song,  and then Mexican shepherds and shepherdesses participated.    

Additionally, Dr. John Jun delivered the Sunday message on 30th Aug. We had graceful testimony sharing with missionaries that afternoon which was divided into a women’s group and men’s group. At this meeting Missionary Timothy Rhee shared a very graceful testimony. The Lord has not only blessed his business abundantly, but also his disciple making ministry.

After serving in Mexico City with M. Abraham Hwang, he came to Guadalajara, the 2nd biggest city in Mexico. Sunday worship attendants are over 65 young souls, and they have sent two missionaries to Central America to build a beautiful conference place. Recently however Missionary Timothy Rhee has met great trial and troubles after being accused by the owner of a sock manufacturing plant of mistreating his workers. At the same time, officials came and investigated the factory from eight different fields of state government. From this the only accusation levied has been a mistake in taxes made 10 years ago which has accounted for a demand in an unreasonable tax fee. 

Missionary Timothy Rhee said that he had suffered much because of socks factory problem. He believes his situation has been made better by the prayers of UBF members worldwide. Through Ephesians Bible study he could solve the problem of his heart; he could have peace. He is serving campus ministry faithfully with Missionary Hanna Rhee, an able business woman and suitable coworker.

Prayer topics:

1) They may keep bearing the early morning prayer.

2) God may solve the sock factory problem.

3) Disciple making ministry.