Latin America Visit Report by P. Abraham Kim/ M. Elias Park

  • by WMD
  • Sep 15, 2015
  • 2312 reads


Thank you for your prayers for the Northern Latin America Bible conference that was held on August 20-23 in Venezuela.  God blessed the conference by sending 350 attendees from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama--120 more than they had prayed for. Twenty-one guests from Korea, Latin America and North America attended. Venezuela is now in an economic crisis with a high level of insecurity. But God worked mightily in people’s hearts. The theme of the conference was “Cree” (Believe in Spanish) based on Mk 9:23. The conference was a spiritual feast with singing, dancing, and sincere testimonies and messages.

In 2013, M. Juan Seo passed on the directorship of the UBF chapter in Caracas, Venezuela, to Shep. Gustavo Prato, after planting three other Venezuelan chapters under the leadership of Shep. Jaime Delgado, Hugo Hurtado, and Socrates Yupangui. Now M. Juan and Susanna Baek from Panama humbly support the native leadership. The leaders worked together to prepare and serve the conference. When Shep. Luis saw more people coming, he said, like Andrew in John 6:9, “We have some mattresses and blankets, but how far will they go among so many?” Anyway, the leaders gave up their beds to the new sheep and slept on the floor. During meal time, they served until all the sheep finished eating so that they might dine if food was left. Miraculously, all ate and no one miss a meal. One missionary from New York said, “I feel like seeing Jesus’ Galilean ministry here.” Praise and thank God! 

Another feature of the Venezuela UBF is a church focused on campus mission and discipleship.  I saw many parents, even in their sixties, who came with their children and grandchildren. Venezuela UBF welcomed them and nourished them through Bible studies. It was so heart-moving to see three elderly people sharing their life-testimonies, confessing their sins and praising God’s grace before their children. At the end of annual Summer Bible conference, they had a time of volunteering for the discipleship program. The program is composed of writing/sharing a Bible testimony weekly and participating in various services for ministry. This year there were nearly 40 applicants, including two senior people. About 30 leaders also volunteered to be sent out as missionaries. Venezuela UBF is a good example for UBF chapters.  Let’s pray that all UBF chapters may keep a clear identity as a church with a focus on campus mission and discipleship.  

After the conference, M. Elias Park, the Latin America UBF coordinator, M. Sarah Kim and I visited Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Paraguay.  While spending two days in each country, we visited missionaries’ homes, campuses they serve, their Bible houses, and studied Acts 28 “Apostle Paul Proclaimed the Kingdom of God in His Own Rented House.”   

Colombia is the only pro-American country in the region. The capital city, Bogota, is known as “The Athens of South America,” because of her prominent universities and libraries. Since 2009, one UBF missionary family--Andres and Juana Park-- is ministering to the University of Los Andes, the top national university of Colombia. They have a five-year old lovely daughter named Harim. They support themselves on M. Juanna’s salary from her work in a Korean company. They pray for (1) marriage of Shepherdess Carolina, (2) to master Spanish, (3) to secure self-support, and (4) to raise disciples. 

Colombia Visit by By M. Elias Park 

M. Andres Park in Colombia came here by faith in 2006. 7 months later, he established a house church with M. Juana, and has served the God’s work through Colombia UBF since January, 2009. God granted them a daughter, Harim(means “a presence of God”) 5 years ago and the child is growing prettily. 

During that time, many sheep have heard of the gospel from two missionaries and tasted a true love; they have served each of them with delicious food and the words of God. At present, a sister Carolina has studied the Bible for 4 years and grown to be an ancestor of sisters; she delivered her life testimony at last Nothern S-America SBC in Venezuela. They pray that she may build up a house church at the God’s time to be their co-worker in Christ Jesus. 

The National University of Colombia that missionaries are pioneering is the largest prestige school in Colombia; in this university, more than 40,000 students are studying many kinds of fields. Pastor Abraham T. Kim, M. Sarah Kim, Dr. Elias Park and M. Andres Park visited this university and together prayed for raising up ancestors of faith.

Prayer Topics of Colombia UBF:

  1. To help students of the National University with God’s words.
  2. For M. Andres to be self-supporting.
  3. To raise up one Abraham and one Sarah.

Located on equator, Ecuador is known for biodiversity from which Charles Darwin drew a wrong theory. Since 2005, one missionary family—Andres and Hanna Kim—is ministering to the top university of the country in the second most populous city, Guayaquil. M. Andres supports the family through water purifying services. Over 20 members including the missionaries’ three children worshipped on Sunday. Please pray for (1) marriage of the shepherdesses, (2) securing self-support, and (3) purchase of a Bible House.   

Ecuador​ Visit by By M. Elias Park

M. Andre and Anna Kim went to Brazil as missionaries in 1996, and for 10 years, they faithfully served in University of São Paulo campus. Accepting Mother Barry's prayer topic of conquering Central America with the gospel as God's calling, they pioneered to Ecuador by faith in 2005, on December. 

For the last 10 years of prayers, tears and sacrifice, the Lord has been raising several disciples, such as including Shpdess Luisa, a Sarah(graduated in Medicine, now internship), Shpdess Lady(graduated in Architecture), Shpdess Lisbeth(fifth year in Medicine), Shpdess Pauleth (freshman in Nursing) and brother Michael (second year in Obstetrics).

Shpdess Lisbeth and Shpdess Pauleth have participated in the Northern Latin American Conference in Venezuela, and they shared their life testimonies very sinceriously. The heat under the sun in Ecuador was scalding, but the missionaries' hearts toward lost Ecuadorian souls, were even warmer.

Their children, Joo Wang (2nd year in Engineering), Esther (freshman in Medicine) and Andre Jr (2nd year in high school) are great students and they are growing as 2nd gen missionaries.

M. Abraham Kim delivered the Sunday message entitled "First seek his Kingdom"(Matthew 6:17-34). He shared that when he sought first His kingdom and His righteousness no matter what, he could experience God-given victory. We prayed this passage could be as a life decision guide to our missionaries, shepherds and sheep in Ecuador. After SWS, we visited the campus and prayed God may raise 12 disciples.

Ecuador UBF's prayer topics:

  1. To raise 1 Abraham and 12 disciples.
  2. For marriage of the sisters.
  3. To buy a center. 


Chile is known as the Europe of Latin America. You can see the Andes covered with snow from any place in Chile. Since 2003, one missionary family--Josue and Hannah Chun-- is ministering to the University of Santiago. M. Josue is working in a hotel toiletries supply business, while M. Hannah is also working in a Korean company. M. Josue prays that he may be able to fully support his family. They decided to move to serve Catholic University of Santiago newly. Please pray for (1) M. Josue’s health and business, and (2) raising ancestors of faith. 

Chile Visit By Elija Park  

Missionaries Josue & Hannah Chun were sent to Mexico in 1999 and pioneered the Toluca UBF and served the Lord and the gospel there for four years; by the way, they received the Lord’s will, that was to serve souls of Chileans, and went forward Chile on May, 2003. 

At that time, Missionary Pablo Star Oh started for his new post as a diplomat there four months ago and was serving God’s work; they served disciple-making ministry, by helping students in University of Santiago or Catholic University with the words, co-working with M. Pablo. 

They were going to be self-supporting through a shoe-sale business and to overcome small and large difficulties in a mission field. However, in 2010 some health problems happened to M. Joshua, and so all the family had to return to Korea. After a one-year treatment period, they came back to the land of mission in 2011.  

Recently, they have had a direction to serve a pioneering work, focused on the Catholic University, and they are preparing for the Centre transfer. After returning from South Korea, they have been challenging the material independence through supply of hotel consumer goods; the business is slow, but keeps growing.

 For two nights and three days from August 31, Pastor Abraham & Sarah Kim, and M. Elijah Park visited to Chile and had a beautiful time of fellowship with missionaries; they call at Catholic University and University of Santiago in Chile and prayed for a gospel work of Chile. 

Missionaries got a great comfort and strength through Bible study on Acts chapter 28 with Pastor Abraham. As the apostle Paul welcomed each person who came to see him in his own rented house of Rome and preached the gospel to him or her, we prayed together for helping each soul who the Lord sends them with his words beyond the environment; we also prayed for the spiritual growth and the future of their two sons, Pablo(15) and Josue(14), who are growing as secod generation missionaries.

Prayer Topics for Chile UBF: 

  1. For a pioneering work, focusing on the Catholic University. 
  2. For raising up one ancestor of faith and 12 disciples.
  3. For full self-supporting ministry.

Paraguay is an inland country together with neighboring Bolivia in Latin America. Paraguay UBF mission started in 1988, through M. John and Maria Lee. M. Andres and Anna Heo joined in 1995. M. DK and HK joined in 1998, and moved to Argentine in 2000. In 2006, God established a house church between M. Juan Hwang and Shepherdess Rocio. After M. John Lee survived a gunshot, his family returned to Korea. Now two families want to restart Paraguay ministry. Both families make a living through food retail. When we visited M. Andres’ small shop, he was wearing a paper hat on which he wrote “ham and cheese sandwich.”  He was the only one in the market who advertised food in the refrigerator that way. We were moved by our missionaries’ spirit for survival in a poor country. Please pray for (1) spiritual restoration of M. Juan and Rocio’s family, (2) new start of the ministry at Asuncion National University, (3) growth of Guillermo as ancestor of faith. 

Paraguay  Visit by Elija Park 

Throughout Paraguay UBF's history, the sweat, tears and sacrifice of many missionaries have been planted as seeds in Paraguayan soil. Although we don't know when these seeds are going to bear fruit, we have faith that the gospel's seeds were planted and all of our missionaries' sacrifices will certainly bear fruit. In August of 1988, the late M. John and Maria Lee set foot on Paraguayan soil and the campus evangelization in Paraguay started. 

M. Andres and Anna Heo went to Paraguay as missionaries in December of 1995. First they coworked in the National University of Asunción and then pioneered to the Catholic University in Asunción. But now they are serving again in the National University of Asunción. For last 20 years, God has been with M. Andrew and M. Hannah and preciously used them in His work; he has also blessed them with 4 children: Andrew (16), Moses (15), Isaac (10) and Gloria (8). 

In 2006, God called M. Juan Hwang as a missionary and he established a house church with shepherdess Rocio. They have 3 children: Junior (6), Elias (4) and Rebeca (2). For last 9 years, the Lord refined his faith through many difficulties, making him as a remnant servant. 

Through Pastor Abraham & Sarah Kim and M. Elias Park's visit(2-4 September), our Paraguay missionaries were greatly comforted and strengthened. Through visiting the campus and M. Andrew's business shop and doing Bible study, we could have deep conversations, getting to know our missionaries’ difficulties and prayer topics. 

Specially, meeting M. Juan and Shpess. Rocio and having fellowship with them is a great thanksgiving topic. A long time has passed while a seed has fallen to the ground and died in Paraguay. Now we pray for its germination in God's hope.

Paraguay UBF's prayer topics:

  1. For a new evangelization work in National University of Asunción.
  2. For a spiritual recovery of M. Juan Hwang's family.
  3. For a spiritual growth of brother Guillermo.
  4. For M. Andrew's Sunday worship messages.


I was moved by the humble life of missionaries who are keeping the lamp of God in foreign lands in the midst of insecurity and poverty. They all live in rented apartment or houses in limited situations. But I saw that God is working with them. The book of Acts ends with words, “Paul stayed in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance.” (Ac 28:31-32) Paul was chained, but he had God’s kingdom when he remembered God’s grace and blessings and fixed his eyes on the glorified Lord who rules at the right hand of God. When he welcomed all whom God sent and proclaimed the kingdom of God, God made him bold through the power of the Holy Spirt (Ac 1:8). The book of Acts continues today through those who obey by faith. No one can stop God’s work. Even when we are chained, God’s word is not chained (2Ti 2:9). Let’s pray that we may have God’s kingdom, no matter what our situation may be, welcome everyone whom God sends, and proclaim the kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ by faith.    

Latin America UBF is praying to send missionaries to Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago. Let’s pray that North America may send out missionaries to the ends of the world. Let’s pray for the evangelization of all the major cities and campuses of the world in this generation.   

P. Abraham Kim