Kyoungsung UBF SBC 2015, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Sep 09, 2015
  • 1658 reads

On July23-26 Kyoungsung1, 3 & Songdo UBF joint SBC took place at Daewoong Human Resource Development Center at Youngin Korea. There were 165 attendees including 74 sheep. We praise God for enabling us to experience the great power of prayer that brought 74 new student sheep to the conference  since we had 40 days of earnest prayer meetings with one heart though it seemed to be impossible for us at the beginning.  The conference theme was "He Who Hears My Word Will Live" and we realized that when we hear the word of God we can know about God's love and also have eternal life.  All the messengers already finished their message preparation a month before the conference and did a lot of rehearsal. After having more than 30 rehearsals, they boldly delivered their messages full of grace, and all attendees were greatly moved.

As for the lectures there were three main lectures and three morning devotional lectures based on John's gospel. In particular, new student sheep were greatly moved by Jesus' forgiving love through the word, “It is Finished"(main lecture 2).  There were also many second gens who came from overseas and shared their graceful testimonies with us. In order to help their language difficulty with Korean we provided them all with English versions of all the lectures and reflections.  

On the third evening a powerful worship & praise dance was performed by new student sheep making all attendees actively rejoice in the Lord.

After the conference all the new sheep joined Saturday disciple training team dividing into brothers’ and sisters’ teams and they had spiritual fellowship with each other through testimony sharing in Christ.

Zechariah Lee