2015 Yonhee UBF SBC Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 24, 2015
  • 2290 reads

“When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”(John 19:30)

On July 23-26 Yonhee UBF held its SBC with the theme "It is Finished" at Grace Hill Conference Hall at Kangwha, Korea. We praise and thank God for not only blessing us but also blessing Shinchon campus students and missionaries from overseas  so that we all renewed the joy of salvation and the light of eternal life in our hearts through the SBC.

During the preparation of the SBC, our seven messengers stayed at the world mission center preparing their messages, and then they delivered heart-moving messages, overflowing with living water.   They were Sh. Sungyoung Lim - Opening message "Living Water, Jesus"(John7:21-23), Sh. Matthew Je- Main lecture 1" I Came to Call Sinners" (Mark2:1-17), Sh. Wooyoung Jun-Main lecture 2 "You Will Catch Men"( Luke 5:1-10), Sh. Kibum Bang- Mail lecture 3 "It is Finished" (John19), Sh. John Jung- Main lecture 4 " Do You Love Me?" (John21), Sh. Sunjun Chang- second day evening "Seek His Kingdom and Righteousness" (Mt 6) and Msn. Paul Ho "Make Disciples of all Nations” (Mt 28).

11 student shepherds shared their life testimonies full of the grace of salvation. Through them we could see new vision of raising student disciples from the campuses.  There was also a world mission report: First, Msn. Josephine Bahn who came from NYU (New York UBF) renewed her faith and mission through the SBC.  Second, Msn. James & Esther Kim who came from Karlsruhe in Germany presented their student discipleship ministry among German campus students through the mighty word of God.

On the first day evening, there was "a New Generation Concert" including band & Daram. It was full of grace played by freshmen & sophomore students after their three weeks of practice, directed by Sh. Hansol Chang & Sh. Sarang Cho. The students are the fruit of the Bible academy that we held at the Songdo international campus for three years, and we thank God for hearing our prayers for the student ministry.

On the third day evening, there was also a graceful orchestra music conducted by Sh. Kyoungshin Lee. After this was a powerful Taekwondo performance full of the spirit of Christian soldiers directed by Msn. Caleb Kim (Washington UBF). And then there was a joyful heart-moving drama full of the grace of the gospel directed by Sh. Seongwook Han with scenario written by Sh. Soonsung Hong.

We praise God for the blessings upon us of the full delight of the word and the Holy Spirit through the SBC. We also thank God for answering our crying-out prayers to the living God during 40 days in the early morning and four weeks of evening prayers for the SBC.

We pray that those new students who received the grace of salvation through the SBC may grow as disciples of Jesus and shepherds for campus souls through the student disciples’ meeting every Thursday, overcoming worldly temptations.  

By Seowoon Lee