News from Campinas UBF, Brasil

  • by WMD
  • Aug 10, 2015
  • 1534 reads

By God’s grace, M. Sara Kim and M. Debora Kim are going to lecture on the Korean language from this September at the college of liberal arts in Compinas State University. They have a study room that they may use not only for their own lecture preparation, but also for one to one Bible study. They pray that their lecture series may be extended to three and a half years through students’ good response during this semester.

Nowadays, sister Thais, sister Luana, and brother William participate in one to one Bible study. May each of them accept Jesus Christ personally and grow to be His disciple and co-worker. The first daughter of M. Paulo & Sara Kim, Anna, will finish her internship and obtain qualifications to become a doctor. They pray that she may marry a servant of God who can be a good coworker for God’s ministry. In appearance, little Dani seems to be healthy, but does not come to his senses; may the Lord have mercy and healing power on Dani! May the Lord give M. Paulo Kim good health and a powerful Sunday message based on Mark’s gospel!