Brasil Young Leaders’ Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Aug 06, 2015
  • 1842 reads

Dear coworkers,

We had a Young Leaders’ Conference that was held in São Paulo July 20-24.

The title was: "Youth with the Word of God". We had 19 attendants, including two participants from Bolivia and Nicaragua. The first, second and third days were held in the SP UBF chapter. In the morning, we had GBS followed by a message on the passage. The passages that we studied were Ex 16:1-16, 1Pe 1:13-2:3 and Ps 1:1-6.

2nd gen. Moses Park, Peter Park and Isaac Kim delivered the messages respectively. Through their messages we could learn the importance of Daily Bread, the direction to grow spiritually as newborn babies, and to meditate on the word of God day and night.

After lunch, we had testimony writing and free time. On the first night, we had worship, testimony sharing and lastly a lecture with the theme: "What is Testimony Writing?" presented by 2nd gen. Joshua Park. On the second night, the lecture was "What is QT?" presented by 2nd gen. Samuel Kim. 

On the third day, we had GBS in the morning on Psalms 1:1-6; after that, 2nd gen. Isaac Kim preached the message; through his message, we learned the importance of the Word of God in our daily life.

After lunch, we went to a hotel – Fonte Santa Tereza that is almost 100km away from our chapter. In the evening, we had a graceful worship together followed by a workshop with the theme “Growing Spiritually”. During the workshop, we introduced ourselves to get a closer relationship as young leaders and we talked about Daily Bread and how we can help each other in growing spiritually.

On the fourth day, we had a quiet time in the morning and we shared our Daily Bread testimonies. In the afternoon, we had a playful time with sports, taking a nap, talking and sharing with each other. Also, each group prepared an artistic program for a special presentation at night.

After dinner, we sang worship songs together and had a graceful time with the special presentations (3 dramas about the passages of the camp) prepared by the young leaders. The last program of the camp was a workshop entitled, “Visions”, where we talked about God’s visions for our lives and our mission as young leaders in UBF.

On the last day, in the morning, we shared our prayer topics and feedback about the Young Leaders' Camp. After lunch, we had free time and we returned home. God blessed our conference so wonderfully with his Word. We thank God and praise His Name! We pray to God to raise all attendants as young leaders so that they may live a life that desires the spiritual milk wholeheartedly, being guided by the Word of God (M. Elias Park).