Venezuela UBF Mission Report by M. Leibins Rivas

  • by WMD
  • Jul 30, 2015
  • 1984 reads

Hello, my name is Missionary Leibins Rivas from Venezuela. I came to Chicago as a missionary and will establish a house church with Diana Guzman. Tonight, I will share a mission report of God's work in our Venezuela UBF ministry. 

In 1994, Pablo Star Oh and his family were sent out as missionaries to Venezuela. Msn Pablo went as a consulate with the Korean embassy and his family preached the word of God at the university. Later, missionary Ana from Korea was sent to Venezuela to help in the work of God. Msn. Pablo Oh got her a job in the Korean embassy. The next year, Juan Seo was sent as a missionary and established a house church by faith with Msn Ana and they began to serve together. Later, Msn. Pablo Oh had to return to Korea. 

Msn. Juan and Ana became the leaders of Venezuela UBF. Msn. Ana went weekly to campus to preach the word of God, trusting God would give her sheep. She did not speak Spanish very well, but she decided to give five loaves and two fish to the Lord. In this way, she met a student named Norelkis. Norelkis said she really did not understand what Msn. Ana was saying, but she kept studying faithfully. 

Little by little, Norelkis grew as a great blessing to the work of God. Her name was changed to Sarah with the hope that she would be a source of blessing. Because of Sarah, many sheep began coming. Also, Msn. Juan Seo was looking for ways to be self-supporting. He tried to start many businesses, but they did not work. This was a strong battle for him. Finally, God opened the door so he could establish his business and also do God's work, giving the Sunday message each week. His family always did God's work holding onto Matthew 6:33. 

In this way, God's work in Venezuela kept growing and disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ began to be raised. Every year disciples of Jesus were raised through the discipleship program. This is a program where we received training through Bible testimonies, Daily Bread, Bible study, fishing, serving, prayer vigils, Christian book studies, and fellowship activities. In this way, house churches were also raised to help serve God's work in Venezuela. 

Msn. Juan Seo’s vision was to expand the ministry to other parts of Venezuela. According to this vision, shepherd families were sent out to other universities, Valles del Tuy, Maracaibo, and Merida, from 2010. Msn. Juan Seo always had the vision that the ministry would be led by native Venezuelans. Thus he received the vision to come as a missionary to Los Angeles and begin his theological studies. In 2013, God raised the family of Pastor Gustavo to lead the Caracas chapter. Also, Missionaries Juan and Susana Baek of Panama were sent to Venezuela to cowork. Thanks be to God that the ministry continues to grow rapidly. For example, this year the family of Shepherd Alirio and Yenny led the discipleship program and 16 disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ were raised. Praise God!

When I started university to study education, I wanted to be an intellectual man. I was a good student and received recognition from teachers, but in my heart I had great anguish and concern about my future. Also, I was always nervous and my left hand would shake. I was also looking for human love. But amidst these situations, I was invited to a 2008 discipleship program. I said no, but in 2009, at a summer Bible conference, I received much grace because I came to know that Jesus forgave all my sins. So I made the decision to commit to the discipleship program that year and be raised as a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

God has helped me grow as a disciple and allowed me to raise Freddy as a disciple of Jesus. He is slowly growing in the Word of God. I served in many ways in the ministry, including organizing prayer nights and working in the church office. But God gave me a vision in 2013 to come as a missionary to the United States to serve his salvation work and fulfill the great commission –to go and make disciples of all nations. 

I also have come with the vision of establishing my house church with a beautiful sister in Chicago UBF, Diana Guzman, and to serve God's work together here. Amen. I first met Diana when she came to serve our ministry in 2009. I faithfully participated in her English Bible study for three months. I was moved by her serving heart. I later began telling my shepherds that I would like to marry Diana because she had a different spirit and a beautiful smile, but I didn’t know if it was possible. In 2014, God’s servants introduced us and we will establish a house church in October.   

My vision as a missionary to the United States is to be a good coworker in the work of God in Chicago. I pray to master English, grow as an excellent Bible teacher, receive God’s leading for a career, be used as a source of blessing with a shepherd heart for American students, and raise disciples that glorify our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

One Word: Go and make disciples.