Thanksgiving Letter from Padiet Deng, ​Juba UBF, South Sudan

  • by WMD
  • Jul 07, 2015
  • 1792 reads

"Jesus replied, 'What is impossible with men is possible with God.' ” (Luke 18: 27)

Praise be to God in the Highest!

After three years working in an oil field in Upper Nile State, God has answered our prayers. Beginning from this month, July 1, 2015, I will work here in the Juba headquarters office instead of working in the oil field. I would like to express my gratitude and thanks toward God and my coworkers here in Juba, South Sudan for their prayer support as well as toward all of you in our UBF ministry in the world and Africa. In particular, I am thankful to UBF Chicago and Korea.

Although I doubted sometimes thinking that God is not hearing our prayers, and sometimes I gave up this prayer topic. But when his certain time comes he reveals it fully without fail. I rely on that he is alive. He is the living God who knows and answers all our prayers in his time. Praise God!

May God use me as one of his sources of blessings for South Sudan ministry!

In Christ,

Sh. Padiet Deng