Dr. John Jun’s CME Report of Fusioka & Nagasaki UBF, Japan

  • by WMD
  • Jul 06, 2015
  • 1612 reads

On June 22 we traveled by train, first arriving at the city of Fusioka for Kyushu regional CME. It is located on the far north side of Kyushu and the closest region from Korea. 

There Dr. Joseph Choi's family (his Japanese wife Naomi & two daughters) are serving the ministry.  

Dr. Joseph is working at Univ. of Kyushu as an assistant professor and began the campus ministry about four years ago. A sheep Dakedash is faithfully attending SWS and three other faithful sheep are growing under the care of Dr. Joseph and Sh. Naomi, even in their short years of pioneering work. We had Ephesians lectures1-2 Bible study with them and a graceful testimony sharing together as well.

Dr. Joseph has been through many difficult situations because of his picky boss at work. But after having Ephesians Bible study he made a decision to bear the difficulties by faith and to actively take up the cross of mission daily, looking forward to Jesus who endured the cross, scorning its shame and who sat down at the right hand of God.

On June 25-26, we served CME at Nagasaki UBF.

Once the city was totally devastated by the bombing of Nagasaki in August of 1945, the last major act of WWII, and within days Japanese surrendered. Now the city became a beautiful tour city with a population of about 500,000.

Dr. David and M. Sarah Jun's family is serving the ministry. Dr. David is working at Univ. of Nagasaki as a full professor. They have three sons and four daughters (the oldest daughter is studying in graduate school and the youngest is in elementary school). They are feeding a couple of one to one sheep even in their busy schedule of taking care of seven children.

We also had Ephesians lecture1 and Galatians1 Bible study with them and shared graceful testimonies with one another. Dr. David got a new direction not only to feed campus sheep but also to raise their children as God's sheep in their home, making them spiritual leaders through the word of God and prayer.

Recently, Nagasaki UBF purchased a three storage building, and they are remodeling it as a campus pioneering center for Univ. of Nagasaki since Dr. David is full of vision for campus pioneering.

Fusioka and Nagasaki UBF prayer topics:

1. For raising one Abraham of faith

2. For a life-giving Sunday message

3. To win the victory over the work as professors