Belize UBF Summer Conference Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Jul 01, 2015
  • 1311 reads

Belize UBF Summer Bible Conference (7/31- 8/2):

Last Sunday we had a graduation testimony sharing. We are praying for the 2nd Belize UBF Summer Bible conference on 7/31- 8/2 at Mountain View Camp. The title is "Your Name will be Israel," and messengers are: Dillon Leal, "Stay in this Land,” Charlse Requena, "God Has Seen my Hardship," Darren Leal, "Your Name will be Israel," and Dianell Brackett, "Joseph's Faith and Stewardship." Shannelle Sosa, Mellaney Lammey and Aaron Gentle are group Bible study leaders. Washington UBF will send one shepherd Tunde to deliver Sunday message, “New Heaven and Earth” from Rev. 21.

As we are studying Acts each week, we want to be like the Antioch Church. Though we are small, we are praying to send Charles to Mid Atlantic SBC. Also, we may be a giving church in some small way. 

In His grace,

Sarah Chang (Belize)