Dr. John Jun's CME in West Japan

  • by WMD
  • Jun 25, 2015
  • 1713 reads

From June 15 to 21 we served CME at Kanazawa, Suita in Osaka and Gifu UBF.
M. Moses and Rebekah Hong's family is serving Kanazawa UBF.

The city of Kanazawa is known for its gold mines.

It has a population of 500,000 and the Univ. of Kanazawa campus has an extensive scale and is beautiful like an American campus.

On June 15-16 we had an Ephesians lecture1 Bible study with M. Moses's family and shared graceful testimonies together.

On June 17-18 we served CME at Suita UBF in Osaka. The city of Osaka is a great city of nine million people.

M. Barnabas and Ann Kang's family is pioneering Univ. of Osaka.

M. Barnabas is working in the cardiology research center as a director. Univ. of Osaka is known as one of the prestigious colleges. There are a couple of native sheep who are faithfully growing in their ministry.

We also had Ephesians lecture 1 & 2 Bible study with them and shared graceful testimonies together.

M. Barnabas is full of vision to pioneer the medical school at Univ. of Osaka.

On June 19 we moved to the city of Gifu located in the central region of western Japan.

The city of Gifu is a small and quiet city with a population of 190,000.

M. Paul and Maria Kwon's family is serving Gifu UBF.

We had Ephesians lecture1-2 Bible study with the family and shared graceful testimonies with them.

On June 20 (Saturday) a west regional UBF chapter directors’ meeting ( Kanazawa, Suita, Gifu and Osaka) was held at Gifu UBF and Sh. Abraham Noji and Sarah Joji came to join the meeting since they had not attended the meeting for the last three years.

On Sunday June 21 we had Bible study with the four chapter directors based on Ephesians lecture1 and Galatians 5:16-24 and had Sunday worship service and loving fellowship with each other as well.

M. Daniel Jeong (Japan UBF director) was so happy when he heard that Sh Abraham and Sarah joined the directors’ meeting.

UBF Chapter Prayer Topics

1. For each chapter to raise 1 Abraham of faith among campus students

2. For each director to deliver a powerful Sunday message

2. For raising second gens as spiritual leaders for campus ministry

John Jun