News from Dr. Joshua Bae, Tepic UBF

  • by WMD
  • Jun 24, 2015
  • 1253 reads

By God’s grace, I began to take charge of a lecture in the beginning of this year at Medical College of Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit and have completed the lecture this week. It was on *Saam Acupuncture and PsychoNeuroImmunoEndocrinology. In case of major options, it is possible to lecture even when applicants are more than five. By the way, about 70 students applied for my lecture, and I finished it in great response to students.

The medical college dean, associate dean, and professors changed their attitude with which they treated me. I thank the Lord that he granted me this wisdom and knowledge. I pray to God earnestly that he may help me to also lecture at Puebla Medical College in the future and to bear fruits of disciple-making through these.

June 19, 2015,

In Christ Jesus,                           

 M. Joshua Bae.

* Dr. Bae has been teaching ‘Saam Acupuncture’ to hundreds of nurses, doctors, and professors since 2004; studying medical science in 2008-14, he set up his own particular system, by relating Saam Acupuncture to modern medical science, such as the limbic system, automatic nervous system, hormone system, and immunity system.