Sendai CME Report by Dr. Paul Cho, Japan

  • by WMD
  • Jun 24, 2015
  • 1692 reads


“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” (Eph1:3)

We praise and thank God for Dr. John and M. Sarah (Sunji) Jun and Dr. Paul Chung who came to serve CME at Sendai UBF with abundant words of God, and with warm love for us for four nights and five days.

Dr. John Jun scheduled the CME lectures in accordance with our work schedules for our convenience. Then each day’s lecture started at 8:00 pm, right after our work.

During the day while we went to work from Wednesday to Friday, they should have enjoyed their time sightseeing but instead they concentrated on the word and prayer for us.

On Saturday morning we guided them to visit 2 historic sites and in the afternoon we wrote testimony and shared with each other.

On Wednesday at 8:00 pm Dr. Paul Chung gave us a lecture about church history (central figures) with humor. Through this we learned about the God of history and got new desire to know and study about church history.

Ephesians Lecture 1 was given with easy expression about the passage by Dr. John Jun on Thursday evening at 8:00pm. Apostle Paul was full of grace and thanks to God though he was even in the cold & smelly prison under persecution.  In that situation he did not back down.

Instead, he couldn't stop praising God for remembering the eight spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms given by God.

Through this I learned that I too can overcome all sufferings and hardships and be full of thanksgiving to God by remembering every spiritual blessing in Christ.

I also was moved when I saw Dr. John and his coworkers always singing with their lips and nose. Especially, despite his old age and having knee problems, Dr. John Jun served six UBF chapters around Tokyo UBF for five days though it is not easy even for young people. The reason he could do so full of praise in his heart is that he has been holding onto the spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms in Christ. Likewise, we also wish to serve God daily and campus mission full of praise remembering the spiritual blessings in Christ.

On Friday evening at 8:00pm Ephesians lecture 2 was given to us by Dr. John Jun. We are saved by the blood of Jesus. We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works. After finishing the good work, we will dwell with the Lord who is sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. We believe that the Lord will use us and Sendai UBF ministry as His good workmanship and fulfill his good purpose for us. Lecture 3 was from Galatians 5:16-26. Through the lecture we learned that mankind has both desires of flesh and spirit. So Dr. John Jun figuratively explained about it to us comparing it to a warship.  When we obey the direction of Jesus, the captain of the spiritual warship, we like a helmsman will surely reach our eternal home or else we will be destined to destruction if we choose to obey the captain of flesh. By this we learned that in order to be led by the Holy Spirit we should pray earnestly.

On the last day Sunday Dr. John Jun delivered for us Sunday message full of grace which was moved by the Holy Spirit based on Ephesians lecture 1. I interpreted it into Japanese for our second gens.

We thanked God for the four nights and five days of CME, and for the warm love and detailed counseling for each one of us through Dr. Jun and his companions as a family of God. Especially we thank God for changing my name from Cho sung-jin to the Christian name Paul Cho, and my wife's name from Cho mi-hyun to Pauline Cho.

Personally, I was greatly comforted by Dr. John Jun for helping me in detail about my

preparation of English theory and directed me to pray about my permanent job. I also learned from him how to serve our Sunday worship service and many other things as well.

I believe and thank God that God himself planned and blessed this CME work.

May God continue to bless Dr. John Jun and CME work with good health and through the Holy Spirit while he is serving CME in Japan.

Sendai UBF prayer topics:

1. For raising one Abraham of faith

2. For powerful Sunday message

3. For Lyacco Cho (first daughter) to enter University

4. For Ojawa hoomico to be restored spiritually.


Paul Cho