Brazil UBF Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • May 07, 2015
  • 1712 reads

We had our Bible conference from April 30 to May 3 at Jundiaí, Sao Paulo. The title of our conference was “I am the Alpha and the Omega” (Revelation 22:13). Four chapters participated: Campinas, Consolação, Mooca and USP.

On the first day we had GBS and the message based on Luke 15:11-32 delivered by Missionary Nathan. Many participants were touched by God’s love that greatly rejoices and welcomes his children who repent from their sinful lives and turn to Him. Based on this passage, brothers Abel, Aristides and Missionary Omar shared their testimonies, accepting God’s love for them.

On the second day we had GBS and heard the message entitled, “The Woman’s Descendant” (Genesis 3:1-24), delivered by 2nd gen. missionary Ana Kim. Through the message, we could realize how miserable our condition was as sinners and also our fate of death in Adam, but furthermore we could see Jesus Christ, the Seed of the Woman, who crushed Satan’s head and gave us complete victory over the power of sin and death.

In the afternoon we had two messages: “I want to see” (Mark 10:46-52), delivered by 2nd gen. Missionary Samuel Kim and “You are the Christ” (Mark 8:27-38), delivered by 2nd gen. Missionary Sam Jeong. Then, in the evening, we watched a movie made by USP chapter, entitled, “You are the Christ”. Through the movie, many were deeply moved and wept through the wonderful love of Jesus and his power of transforming someone’s life.

On the third day we studied and heard the message of the cross, based on John 19:1-42. 2nd gen. Missionary Peter Park delivered the message and declared Christ finished God’s work saying: “It is done!” Through this word many participants could believe in Jesus’ redemptive work through His blood. After the message, Brother Renaldo shared his testimony based on the same passage. In the afternoon we had a message based on 1 Peter 4:1-19, entitled, “The New Life in Christ”, delivered by 2nd gen. missionary Noah Jeong. In the night program we had worship time, joyful dance, and drama presentation.

On the fourth day we had our SWS and a message based on Revelations 21:1-22:31, “I am the Alpha and the Omega”, delivered by Missionary Jose Ahn. We learned that Jesus is the Creator of all things, He started the world’s history and He is the one who will finish it according to His word. We could accept His promise of giving us the glorious kingdom of God in our hearts. After SWS, we had a closing message delivered by 2nd gen. Missionary Sara Kim, based on Galatians 5:16-26, entitled, “Walk in the Spirit”.

 Through this conference, we could receive the living hope of Jesus’ second coming. During the preparation for the conference, we all had many things to do: work, studies, etc. Despite that, everybody worked hard for the conference. Dances, drama, movie, messages, Bible studies, everything was prepared wholeheartedly. God blessed our conference so much with His Word of life. We all could renew our faith and hope in Jesus. We could learn that a real Christian lives daily with the living hope in Jesus Christ and in our future resurrection in heaven. Thank God for helping us to see the great work and hope of God for the 2nd generations in Brazil. May God use each of them preciously for His salvation work.  We prayed that we might serve campus mission with the living hope in Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega (Elisa Park).