Nicaragua Mission Report by Juan Kim

  • by WMD
  • May 06, 2015
  • 2098 reads

John 4:35 “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”

Mark 6:38 “How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.”

With a pioneering spirit, Missionary John Kim came to Managua, Nicaragua on May 1st 2006. M. John knew at that moment he would face living only before God like Jacob. He knew about the meaningful sacrifices which only Jesus recognizes. It was the beginning of a new world of faith. It is truly a great blessing from God. Otherwise, he would not have made that decision.

When he came to Nicaragua there was no air conditioning, no internet, no car; he was wet with sweat every day; he could see he was being disciplined by God. The people there were disciplined in poverty and the hot weather as well as many other political problems of the country. That was why the people of that country were humble. He had the vision of serving the people of Nicaragua and young university students.

When they came to Nicaragua, they found a sheep named Mario who was the national Taekwondo team coach. M. John received a lot of help from him. On July 2006, they had the first winter Biblical conference. Many servants of God came; Shp. Abraham from Guatemala, M. Joseph Ahn from Chicago, and M. David Kang from Honduras. Sister Yasiris assisted at this conference and received Jesus’ forgiveness. Until this day she is cooperating as a Sarah of faith.

In 2007, there was a sister named Sandra who worked in a cyber in front of the National University. She was like a Lydia who lived at the entrance of the Philippi city which appears in the book of Acts. She has been cooperating faithfully sacrificing for God’s ministry. She was spiritually born again in the summer conference of 2007 through the word of John 3:3. Then, her sister Mayra at first resisted evangelism and did not believe, but that year she was invited to the Central America conference in Honduras. She later became a female-pastor. She now lives in Miami with her husband.

In 2007, M. John’s family came and Hayoung was born, the angel of the house apart from his two other children, Insu and Joycelin. M. John Kim suffered a lot at first because of his business in selling nail art products. The income was unstable. Also, doing God’s ministry and evangelizing seemed easy but the sheep went away. Because of this new environment and harsh economic, cultural, and spiritual impact, he was discouraged. However, God gave him great joy at Hayoung’s birth, meaning ‘God’s Glory’. He prayed again for his missionary life in the land of pinoleros (Nicaraguans) to show God’s glory.

2009 went by and came the year 2010. God acted gracefully in spite of the lack of male sheep. M. Pablo Park’s family from Costa Rica cooperated in the Semana Santa conference. In this conference brothers Mariano and Jonathan, chemistry career students from the UNAN (National Autonomous University of Nicaragua), Managua, participated. They stayed as disciples. During the conference, three pairs presented a folklore dance, which was fantastic. Brother Erick brought us joy through his dancing. Sister Fadia was reborn in this conference. She is now studying in Korea.  

In 2010, God sent us another special gift. We were able to buy a land to reconstruct an abandoned and destroyed house near the university. God sent us Shp. Jun Kyu Lee from Korea, Baebong UBF. For three months he dedicated to cooperate with the brothers and do the remodeling of our beautiful Biblical center. M. Timothy Lee and M. Joseph and Anna Ham came to our church to bless the inauguration of God’s church. There are currently three brothers and sisters who are living together as disciples of Jesus.

In 2012, at the summer conference we were supported by Luis and Betzy’s family, Venezuela UBF. Their marriage was truly an example to follow and learn by the ministry of disciples. We started a program called Pesca Milagrosa (Miraculous Catch), which is a service in campus every Friday. God blessed these Friday services at campus. This was not only for UBF brothers and sisters, but we were able to serve other bodies of Christ and plant the word of God at the campus center.

God has sent us many sheep who do not have a shepherd and need a shepherd to take care of them. We are responsible for the spiritual growth of brothers and sisters: Jasyris, Ligia, Leyda, Ayser, Leonel, Juan Carlos, Eber, Silvia, Eveling, Mohamet, and so on.

In addition, this year came sister Esther Kim from Guatemala who is presently studying medicine in UNAN, Managua. She is cooperating to serve the orchestra program by playing violin. Thank you for your cooperation guys; Leo, Insu Juan, Joycelin, Iris, Hayoung... 

God is blessing the ministry in Nicaragua UBF. The campus is ripe for harvest, but the workers are missing. Our Lord Jesus has said that we need to pray to the Father to send us His workers. We are always ready to welcome anyone that receives God’s call to go out into the fields, the campus (Nicaragua). There are currently 15-20 members attending the Sunday Worship service, and approximately 20 teams of weekly Bible studies.

We are praying for God to bless our ministry of the discipled; to establish real disciples that truly love and worship the Lord in spirit and truth. We pray to form households and families of faith, for the house church to be also built for the graduated if they have a calling from God in UBF as remnants to serve the university campus works. We pray also for M. Rebeca so that by God’s grace she may teach the Korean language at UNAN, Managua. God is using the course of Korean language as a channel of blessings. M. John is working in a company of engineering service, and his job has a great future.

Thank you for all the contributors of evangelism from UBF Korea, Chicago, Latin America, and especially Central America and Caribbean. Thank you for your love and prayers for Nicaragua to go forward towards the Kingdom of God.

One Word: “Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”