Honduras Mission Report by M. David Kang

  • by WMD
  • May 04, 2015
  • 1337 reads

“After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, ‘Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward’”(Ge. 15:1).

Before coming to this conference, I had a feeling of anguish, because the history that I bring is not great enough to tell; I felt that I didn’t have a direction. However, all these days, God has been my guide, and the owner of my life, and so I want to show you the work that He has done in Honduras, as Jesus has shown us his blessings.

I. The words of God:

There are approximately 17,000 students in the National Autonomous University of Honduras in the Sula Valley; even so, I am with a small group of young people, with whom I always choose a book of the Bible among the four Gospels. Every Tuesday I am with the group’s leaders, those with whom I have long been preaching the word of God for a time, on Wednesdays; I am with those ones whom I always invited to learn the word of God; I want to meet new sheep,  leaders in the faith, while always putting God in the first place.

II. Works of Disciples:

Currently, Shps. Genly is a person who has had the greater influence among brothers; but unfortunately for a long time, she had a crisis of faith. However, she assumed her responsibilities and there was much repentance. She is now studying the Bible with us and her faith is great. Since then, she has invited so many young persons and every day we see many believers in Christ.

Her friend Jennifer studies the same career as she and together we talk about how great is God in our life; Genly invited her friend, and her friend invited her brother and her brother his friend; now we are growing by the grace of God, and where 2 or 3 people are, God is with us.

III. My shepherd’s life

I have been a missionary in Honduras for 13 years and if I look back on my past, it has been a bit stressful and overwhelming. There were occasions for me in which we used to appear as a cult, and I was victim of a firefight along with an enormous trauma since that happened.

 Since then, I pray with greater faith and I know God will take care of my family, my children at his school and my wife at her work. God protected us from the shooting, Christ forming a shield around my wife and I; God spoke to me through Genesis, “Do not be afraid, David. I am your shield, and your reward will be great.”

This gave me comfort and strength. I’d like to say that I have received many blessings after that, and since we study the Bible with students, that you can see many problems, but the manifestation of God always is in your lives, our lives.

Formerly, we served the sheep without patience. But God has shown us his patience and love toward sheep as numerous as stars in the sky, who will be His descendants. Through this, God revealed to us His vision for Honduras. My weak heart repents.

Currently, I teach the Bible to young people and I also teach Korean language. What I am about to show them is the right way, Jesus. God has kept me standing with force and strength in any problems. I believe that if God is with me, no one can be against me. I hope that by faith I will fulfill the mission God has given me.

Prayer Topics:

1. I want to buy land (a field) near the Autonomous University of Honduras.

2. Raise an Abraham and a Sarah by faith.

3. To touch the heart of young people by means of preaching of Genesis.