Costa Rica Mission Report by M. Lydia Park

  • by WMD
  • Apr 30, 2015
  • 1673 reads

Mark 10:45, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 

I. Calls to be missionaries in Costa Rica:

​The Republic of Costa Rica is considered a geographical and natural bridge between North and South America. This country also has a democratic government and a constitutional governing law throughout the country.  In addition it is important to mention that Costa Rica was a pioneer in being a country without an army since it was abolished many years ago.

Costa Rica is also a country with outstanding natural landscapes so much so that it is also known as the "Switzerland of Central America." The country occupies only 0.0001% of the total land area. However, in such a small space we can find a total of 6% of global biodiversity (BIO-DIVERSITY). This is possible because a third of the territory is designated as national parks and natural reserves. Moreover, much of the legislation in Costa Rica is aimed at environmental protection practices.

The social gap between classes is not great because the economics and politics are among the most stable among neighboring countries. The level of literacy is one of the best in Central America, about 96%. And Costa Rica is ranked as the happiest country. Therefore, it is said 'pura life’ meaning “pure life.”

On August 3, 2002, God blessed me to marry with M. Paul to serve the mission in Costa Rica. God gave us Mark 10:45, "For the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many" as our marriage key verse as well as our mission key verse.

Before serving two months in Costa Rica, I got sick of acute nephritis. The doctors told us I had to have dialysis all my life or opt for a kidney transplant. At the time, many servants of God throughout the world prayed for my health. Finally, God healed me through the Holy Spirit dialysis. Giving many thanks to God, we decided to dedicate our lives to the mission in Costa Rica. After being healed, God blessed us by giving us our first son, Pablito. Likewise God allowed us to receive permanent residency through Pablito who is a Costa Rican citizen.      

So our residency problem was perfectly solved. Before an interview with the head of a company, M. Paul vowed in faith to God; "Lord, if you grant me a position in this company, I will give twice the tithing and will serve the mission until I bury my bones in this land." At that time, the living God placed him in a company dedicated to the sale of used cars as an administrator. After gaining experience for a year and a half, he became independent and opened a used car sales shop by faith.

But for two weeks he had not sold a car. Then, when I was very concerned, a customer came and bought a car. Amazingly, he was named Jesus. We visited the campus diligently to fish sheep and serve one to one Bible study holding on to the word of God in Mt. 6:33. The employees did not lose the opportunity. They stole money and spare parts.

While M. Paul struggled to support us, I complained because it was too hard to raise Pablito. At that time we discovered Pabilito’s developmental problem. I suffered from depression caring for our newborn David while taking care of Pablito, a very special child.  M. Paul came home gutted by stress from work. We had to struggle to calm Pablito until 2 or 3 a.m. bathing him and taking him for repeated car rides because he threw tantrums and fits of rage and we could not communicate with him.

All this was because Pablito was a child with Asperger’s syndrome which is a development problem related to autism. We doubted whether we could continue our missionary life raising Pablito and doubted God's love much, complaining why God had given us this problem.

Through the study of John chapter 1, we were very touched thinking that Jesus, being the Holy God, came to this world to be with weak sinners who do not communicate with God and are alone such as children with Asperger’s syndrome and I could accept Pablito as he was and serve. Through the word of God in John 9: 3 "Jesus answered. It is not that this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the work of God might be displayed in him", we decided to hold on to the call to be a missionary family and trust in the work that God would manifest.

II. The pioneering work of the UCR (University of Costa Rica)

M. Paul began to sell only wholesale to serve God’s flock the majority of the time. But due to the global economic crisis, the market was very weak and it seemed almost impossible that the used car market would recover. He made the decision to focus on the ministry of the word and devote his life to prepare the Sunday message instead of being worried about something that even he could not solve.

While meditating on the word and preaching the message, the boundless grace of God captured his heart, and he praised God with tears of repentance and was deeply moved. When it seemed that all the doors were closed, God led him to a new buyer who would buy each month faithfully, and beautifully his name was also Jesus.

Each year, several sheep came and went as reflux. Pablito needed my care due to his development problem. David has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and so I needed a lot of patience with him. Ester cried because she did not want to wear her uniform but only a dress. I devoted my time, spent my money and gave my heart for sheep though we are not related by blood without serving my own children well.

The more I served sheep, the more I forgot most things. I forgot my children’s homework, and I remembered to buy something when I was almost home from the supermarket. I always lived with concern because I was not sure if I turned off the light in the kitchen or locked the doors. My children went to school without socks or wore flip flops instead of putting on shoes, so M. Paul had to be everywhere, from school to home, from home to the supermarket, etc.

Still, we devoted ourselves to teaching and preaching the word. During 3 years from 2009 through 2011, we focused on serving sheep through 12-step Bible study, the winter conference, the study of the 12 steps to discipleship and the disciples’ conference and so on. For each winter conference, we were supported by the sending of shepherds from Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua UBF, etc.

All lectures were full of grace through the Lord's word. Brothers and sisters Ernesto, Angelica and Emma had a disciple declaration ceremony where they were declared as disciples. Ernesto, Tatiana and Karolina were baptized by M. Paul, and Brother Ernesto had a declaration ceremony and was declared a shepherd. More than 10 brothers and sisters participated in Sunday worship service. M. Paul and I were busy serving them with the word of God. We were so happy, moved and grateful to God because we thought that Costa Rica was a spiritual desert, but the fruit of evangelization was growing, and our dedication and tears were not in vain.

III. The pioneering work of UNA (National University)

A little before the winter conference of 2012, there was a work of Satan that envied the growing evangelizing work of God. A sister complained and badly influenced the other sheep saying she was bored with Bible study and did not like the style of our worship, etc. In the blink of an eye, all sheep were scattered. Seeing with our own eyes and listening with our ears, we could not believe it. We served the winter conference barely convincing some brothers to come but we could not get out of the shock that had attacked us.

From 2013, all customers stopped buying vehicles due to stagnant business. During two years we earned almost nothing. And we realized that having food every day was the grace of God who is so great and faithful. Throughout 2013, Pablito suffered from bullying in class and came home from school often crying. In October 2013, M. Abraham Park who had been collaborating with us, returned to Korea. We were alone again. In all areas of our lives, everything was a succession of suffering until we lost control. So great was our sadness and hurt that it seemed we could not get up again.

We decided to finish the work in UCR since we had to start the pioneering work of UNA. But we could not move near the university as my feeble little children could hardly adapt to a new school environment. I had to travel to UNA by bus which lasted three hours to come and go, fishing and giving Bible study one to one. With all our tithing we rented a small apartment as our Bible house.

God blessed the pioneering work of UNA and led us to several sheep such as Lucelia, Giselle, Thannya, Nancy, Ania, Guadalupe, Joice, Angie, Naomi and Jonathan through sister Lucelia. Sister Lucelia who is pure hearted and sincere began attending our Sunday worship service faithfully with her mother Mrs. Patricia who was hungry for the word of God and both received God’s word with an open heart.

And we had a mini-conference in my house with Sister Lucelia, Mrs. Patricia, and Brother Jonathan. The three participants received much grace through 4 messages and videos of the life testimonies of shepherds from Guadalajara in Mexico UBF and Nicaragua UBF. Sister Giselle who has much spiritual desire and passion, faithfully studied the word with great longing. Seeing Sisters Lucelia and Giselle working hard to dance and prepare to attend the conference of Central America, we saw that God was blessing the pioneering work of UNA and I was very thankful to God.

At the beginning of this year, 2015, M. Paul held on to the word of God in Mt.6: 33 and Heb.11:6; we are struggling to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and to please God by faith. God blessed our struggle and the employer of a company that exports the cars to Costa Rica who much appreciated  M. Paul for his sincerity and honesty, began sending him several cars giving him credit though he had no money to pay for now.

The name of the company that came to us as a good friend, is called 'Amigo Car’ which means ‘Car Friend'. When we were having the hardest and most difficult time, God sought us as a good friend and lifted our fallen arms and weak knees. Although we have not raised any visible fruit in our ministry, praise be to our God who helped us learn the service and sacrifice of Jesus in our lives.

In my sinful nature, I am so eager to be loved, comforted, and served. But I pray to my God to leave behind my sinful nature of wanting to be served, and that I may serve and give my life to save young Costa Ricans. I have faith in my God. When I receive suffering I will positively hold to what he says in Mk.10:45 and trust that this suffering is going to be like fertilizer so the offspring of the evangelizing work of God will bear much fruit. Amen.

One word: I will serve and give my life.