P. Abraham Kim's Visit to Belize

  • by WMD
  • Apr 22, 2015
  • 1503 reads

Due to its British colonization, Belize is an English-speaking country. Famous for its jewel-like-shining and green coral islands, Belize is called “Mother Nature’s Best Kept Secret”.

In this beautiful country with dense forests inhabited by rare creatures, God has been using our silver-missionaries Moses and Sarah Chang for almost 7 years. And through their lives, God has begun a new ministry of hope in Belize and for the world mission.

M. Sarah Chang’s first sheep was a 70 year-old nurse working at the Belize University (BU)’s hospital. God has blessed their faithful prayers and preaching by sending His sheep. God has sent brother Dillon and touched his heart with His Word, helping him to accept God’s calling in His world-campus mission. And through brother Dillon, many brothers and sisters have begun to study the Bible.

By doing 1:1 Bible study, testimony writing-sharing and attending Sunday worship services, they have faithfully grown. Currently there are 3 leaders being used as Bible-teachers and 7 have attended the Central America/Caribbean International Conference, and they have experienced God’s love through the messages and deep testimonies.

We visited BU’s campus and at the library where Dillon was met, we prayed. We prayed God may send missionaries to BU, which is localized in the heart of Belize’s capital, Belmopan.

The highlight was the leaders’ meeting, which took place in the evening of the second day of our visit. In the afternoon, suddenly energy had been shut down, and classes were cancelled, so two brothers almost couldn’t attend the meeting. But by God’s work, all seven leaders attended the meeting, and they could listen to the Word of God. 

With the light of candles and a small flashlight, M. Abraham Kim preached the message of Matthew 6:19-34. The atmosphere looked like a scene of Jesus preaching at night to his disciples by the light and warmth of a campfire. While the entire city was in darkness, we were under the light of candles, with our fathers. And then, he emphasized that to be a good father, one should be husband for one and only wife and to be a good mother, one should be wife for one and only husband.

Seeing the hearts focused on the message made it an unforgettable night for us all.

After the message, the electricity came back on while we were having dinner. During conversation with the leaders, M. Abraham Kim asked if they wanted to be good fathers and mothers, “Seek first the kingdom of God! Live a shepherd's life! Be husband for one and only wife, be wife for one and only husband!”

On that night, Belize-UBF’s leaders accepted M. Abraham Kim's direction, believing that when they follow it, they’ll have a fruitful and happy life.

We pray God may raise many Belize disciples who seek first the kingdom of God, and that many healthy house-churches may be formed through marriage by faith.

Through silver missionaries M. Moses and Sarah Chang’s ministry and fruit they have borne a new horizon in UBF’s world mission is rising. They are welcoming short-term missionaries. Those among 2nd Gen missionaries who want to experience a missionary life or those who have vision for a silver-missionary life are also welcome to visit Belize-UBF.

God gave M. Moses Chang the vision of expanding the gospel throughout the Caribbean nations. Starting from Belize, Jamaica, Barbados and Suriname are the next to be conquered. We hope we may be prayer-coworkers for the fulfilling of this vision. 

Belize-UBF’s prayer topics:

  • Raising Bible teachers;
  • House-churches;
  • Bible-house.

In Christ

Elias Park