Dr. John Jun's CME schedule for East Asia & prayer topics

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 20, 2015
  • 1876 reads

Prayer topics:

  1. God may give me necessary health and the Holy Spirit and Word of God
  2. God may give me journey mercy


April 25th depart to Manila

  1. April 27– May 3 : Manila
  2. May 4 –10 : Univ. of Philippine (M.Paul Koh), Quezon (John S Jeong) and Baguio(Monica Kim)
  3. May 11 – 17 :  Brunai
  4. May 18 – 24 : Hong Kong
  5. May  25 – 31 : Mongol
  6. June 1 – 7 : Tokyo region         
  7. June 8 – 14 : Osaka region
  8. June 15 – 21: Japan 3rd region
  9. June 22 – 28 : Japan 4th region

John Jun