Mexico Regional Bible Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 14, 2015
  • 2112 reads

 “You give them something to eat” (Mark 6:37)

We praise and give thanks to God, who blessed the 2015 Mexico regional Bible conference abundantly. This conference was held from April 2 to 5 in Club Campestre Teotihuacan, one hour drive away from Mexico City. All the chapters in Mexico gathered at this conference. We had a total of 362 attendees: 5 from Queretaro, 9 from Santo Tomas, 52 from Guadalajara, 10 from IPN, 3 from Saltillo, 23 Acatlan, 168 from Mexico City, 38 from Iztacala, 13 from Tepic, 9 from Cuautitlan, 7 from Zapopan, 9 from Monterrey 1, 7 from Monterrey 2, and 9 guests from abroad. We had been praying for 350 attendees from Mexico only, and God answered our prayers so graciously.

The title of this conference was “You Give Them Something to Eat”.  Upon the beginning of the conference, rain poured down so heavily and power went off.  In darkness, M. Abraham encouraged us to pray two by two. When we prayed and praised God, rain stopped within 5 minutes and power just came back on. This seemed like the sign that God would bless this conference by pouring his mercy and grace down upon each one of us.

The conference started with a beautiful Mexican traditional dance by Acatlan chapter and special song by Mexico City chapter. People representing each chapter marched into the main hall, holding the flags of each campus that they pioneered. Shepherd Raul from Mexico City chapter delivered the opening message entitled, “I Will Give You Rest”. Shepherd Claudio from Guadalajara delivered the evening message on the grace of God revealed through Jesus, in whom there is no condemnation. We also heard the life testimonies of shepherdess Aurora (Mexico City) and shepherd Daniel (IPN).

On the second day morning, shepherd Israel Orozco (Iztacala) delivered the message entitled “Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches”, followed by the life testimonies by shepherd Orión and shepherd Gonzalo (Guadalajara). There was GBS after breakfast, and we listened to shepherd Caleb (Mexico City)’s message on the unconditional love of the father, who welcomed his prodigal son with open arms. Afterwards, shepherdess Jazmín (Mexico City) and shepherdess Erika (Iztacala) shared their life testimonies. The word of God moved the hearts of all the attendees and we had time to write our Bible testimonies. Among them, 7 college students shared their testimonies of repentance with the whole congregation. After dinner, shepherd Iván (Mexico City) delivered the message on Jesus’ crucifixion. The title of his message was “what will happen when the tree is dry?” Four shepherds from Mexico City shared their mission symposiums on Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, and Trinidad & Tobago. They prepared these symposiums with the prayers for these countries to be pioneered.

On the third day morning, shepherd Noah (Tepic) delivered the message on the kernel of wheat falling to the ground and dying. He got a better job offer from another city, but he decided to remain in Tepic in order to continue to serve God’s ministry. He was following the example of Jesus, who lived a life of a kernel of wheat. After GBS, shepherd Eduardo (Guadalajara) preached on Jesus, who is life and resurrection. During the time of sharing testimonies, God amazed us by 16 people, who wanted to share their testimonies of repentance before the congregation. Due to time limit, only 11 people could, and the rest would share on Sunday morning just before the worship service.

In the evening Shepherdess Carolina Blas (Acatlan) delivered the message, “You give them something to eat” with power. Afterwards, we had the festival filled with joy and grace. First, we listened to beautiful performance of the orchestra team. They played two pieces, which evoked an enthusiastic encore from the congregation. Iztacala, Acatlán and Guadalajara chapters performed Mexican traditional dance and modern dance. The finale to the festival was the skit directed by Missionary Maria Park(Mexico City). It was very humorous and heart-moving.

On Sunday morning, shepherd Alejandro López preached on Jesus- the Alpha and Omega based on Revelations chapter 1. The main message was delivered by Shepherd Fermin (Mexico City). The title of his message was “the true PhDs in the kingdom of God, the true Bible teacher”. He emphasized how important it is for us to earnestly study the Bible instead of pursuing any worldly titles or academic degrees.  Dr. Abraham Kim delivered the closing message entitled, “Paul, in his rented house”. Paul had been imprisoned for two years, but he never complained. Instead, he rendered glory to God by praising, giving thanks to God, and preaching the word. Dr. Abraham Kim encouraged us to follow Paul’s example and pray to be always joyful, have faith in God, and to offer our five loaves of bread and two fish to the Lord.

The following are our specific prayer topics.

  1. Campus disciple making ministry through 1:1 Bible studies
  2. Pioneering Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Haiti
  3. Pioneering entire Mexico campuses, Latin America and serving world mission during our generation

The guests including M. Sarah Kim commented on the conference that it reminded them of the conferences in the 70’s, where many repented of their sins with tears. We give thanks to God for blessing this conference to bring the powerful work of repentance, faith and salvation. Thank you for your prayers.

One Word: God’s mercy and vision for Mexico

by Shepherd Raul Muñoz (Mexico City UBF)