Leadership Succession Ceremony, Guatemala UBF

  • by WMD
  • Apr 13, 2015
  • 1529 reads

On April 8 Pastor Abraham and Sarah Kim came from Mexico conference to Guatemala to bless the historical leadership succession ceremony from M. Josue and Ana Ham to S. Edwar and Sylvia Ti. 

Pastor Abraham Kim delivered an appreciation plaque to M. Josue and Ana Ham who had served Guatemala mission more than 26 years raising many house churches and leaders in the midst of many hardships in their self supporting. 

Pastor Abraham Kim appointed Edwar Ti as a new Guatemala UBF Director for 4 years. He admonished him with 2 Timothy 2:15 and 1 Pet 5:2-4 to be an excellent messenger, a good shepherd and a builder of God’s household

Another blessing was the return and restoration of  M. Marcos and Daniela Nam who shared their new calling to serve God through 1:1 Bible study with Guatemalan students. They shared their vision to pioneer a new campus soon. 
M. Josue Ham was appointed as the Central America and Caribbean coordinator to pioneer 16 Caribbean nations.

Around 30 members including M. Elias Park (Latin Coordinator), S. Gospel Joo (Korea Baebong UBF staff), David Nam (Korea Gongreung UBF staff), Gideon Lee (Board of director of Baebong UBF) and Jose and Maria Ahn. (Chicago) attended and prayed for them. The celebration was full of God’s grace, joy and love with the full support of Abraham and Sarah Gilberto, Cesar and Ivan the pillars of faith of Guatemala UBF. 

We also happen to celebrate Happy Birthday of two delegates and Abraham Gilverto adding more joy to this ceremony. May God bless Guatemala continually as a leading chapter of Latin America mission for world campus mission.