The 25th anniversary of Nagasaki pioneering ceremony in the new center,Japan

  • by WMD
  • Mar 23, 2015
  • 1156 reads

“You will be a blessing…”


I thank God for using Nagasaki UBF campus pioneering ministry for the last 25 years through the Gospel message in Japan.

 Some say the land of Japan is like a gravesite for missionaries.

I would say Japan is like a spiritual wasteland and spiritual melting pot. But in that environment our UBF missionaries in Japan have been standing firm preaching the gospel, experiencing God's delicate helping hand daily as Daniel survived in the den of lions.

They are all walking with God experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit by depending on the word of God daily and waiting for the Lord's second coming in hope. They all delight greatly in the word acknowledging God's good and detailed helping hand and the meaning of God's training like little children rejoicing and thanking the Lord.

As for me, I met Christ Jesus through Bible study at Choonchun UBF in 1985. And then I was sent to Nagasaki in 1990 and am now looking forward to the upcoming 25 year anniversary for us in May 2015.

I thank God for letting me deeply learn about the living God who made heaven and earth for the last 25 years. Moment by moment, I was led by God's word and was also greatly blessed with the gifts of God, my wife M. Sarah who is a woman of faith and 7 children, secure job and abundant spiritual blessing as well.

God also blessed my parents and all household to come to know Christ, and the gospel power and love were made known to my friends too. Most of all, through these I was convinced that God always was working with me, and he made known to me the true blessing for mankind that is to love God with all our hearts and to live a life to follow him. Whenever I read the Bible, especially the Psalms, I was deeply moved by and opened my mouth to sing and praise the Lord. I thank God for not only saving me but helping me to declare the praises of him who called me out of darkness into his wonderful light. That's why I am trembling in the presence of God

 In Nagasaki UBF ministry there were many missionaries who had been co-working together for the last 25 years. But most of them, in the course of time, were sent out to where the place the Lord had called them to serve.

M. Gideon Baek's family was sent to Korea after getting a PhD. M. Caleb Kim's family was sent to Tokyo after obtaining a PhD and M. Peter Lee's family to Tokyo and to East Asia after getting his PhD.

And many students left Nagasaki looking for their job after having Bible studies for years with us. Then my family alone took root in Nagasaki and became like native Nagasaki and Japanese. For this we praise the Lord.

Now we are going to have a special thanksgiving worship service for having a 25th anniversary of Nagasaki UBF. For God recently provided us a building for us in this right time as a 25th memorial center of Nagasaki UBF.

It seems to be a foolish thing for us to maintain such a costly memorial center building by my family alone.  But by faith we purchased the building with a hope that it will be the fields of Machpelah in Japan as also by faith Abraham purchased the fields and cave in Machpelah in the Promised Land in Genesis23.

For this we would like to ask you a favor by giving us your prayer support for Nagasaki’s UBF 25th anniversary worship service.  We also pray that God may bless this memorial center so that the streams of living water and faith may be welling up among us and raise 12 disciples of Jesus. Thank you for your prayer support and love for us.

The memorial worship service will be as follows:

On May 17, Sunday 2pm, at the Nagasaki UBF memorial center

Address: 7-6 Ohashi-Machi, Nagasaki, 852-8134, Japan.

  일정 2015년5월17일,일요일 오후 2시부터 3시까지

  장소 일본 나가사키UBF 25주년 기념센타

  새주소 7-6 Ohashi-Machi, Nagasaki, 852-8134, Japan

By David Jun