RUDN UBF (Russia, CIS) 2015 Key Verse & Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 26, 2015
  • 1324 reads


Key Verse: Phil. 1:20, “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.”

In the beginning of this new year, I asked myself: What is my eager expectation and hope? Then I found the answer in this key verse. I pray that I may completely deny myself to obey the will of Christ and exalt Christ in my body, whether by life or by death as Apostle Paul did. I pray that I may challenge my reality by new faith and passion and glorify God in my mission field and in my working place as well.

Prayer Topics:

1. May God give me a powerful John’s gospel message every week (10 times of message rehearsals in Russian)!

2. Shs. Irina may stand firm as a Bible teacher to serve one soul and as a mother of prayer for her husband to come out to the world of faith.

3. God may send us a faithful student to raise as a disciple of Jesus from RUDN University.

4. Our children, Daniel(15), Josephine(11) and Olga (The chief oboe player in Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra), Larisa, David (Irina's husband), Anton (Junior, RUDN), Anya (Freshman, RUDN) may grow steadily through the words of God and fellowship.

5. God may provide my family a foundation so as to settle down in Russia (a family green card and a church building).

6. For M. Josephine's health.