Jongro and Gwanak UBF Joint Conference

  • by WMD
  • Feb 25, 2015
  • 1493 reads

On Feb 14-15 Jonro1, 2, 7 and Gwanak 3, 5, Wharang, Ansung and North Seoul UBF held their joint conference for preparing spring semester ministry with 420 attendees at Daewoong Pharceutical firm training center at Youngin Korea.

The theme of the conference was “My Earnest Expectation and Hope” based on Phil. 1:20.

On Saturday at 2 pm, there was a special lecture given by Hosung Kim who had devoted himself to God serving Univ. of Gunkook for about 15 years as a member of Navigators, and who has a goal to bring 10,000 people to Jesus Christ and is also working at a venture company as the CEO.  His lecture was entitled, “You are UBF” and was his view as an outside observer. He said that UBF ministry is like a special forces in Christ and the last bastion in evangelism in this generation. He encouraged us to actively carry this precious mission that will bring many back to the righteous God to the end. By this we all were greatly encouraged and renewed our true identity before God.

After the special lecture we had a group Bible study and in the evening the message entitled, “My Earnest Expectation and Hope” from Phil. 1 was given by Sh. Caleb Kim.  Through the message he boldly stressed: “Lets us live a life with full desire for God that will lift the Lord's name on high as apostle Paul did.” The next day we all wrote testimonies based on the message repenting our lack of faith, renewing our clear life purpose and making a decision to live a life with full desire for the Lord as did apostle Paul in our testimony sharing in groups. 

 The next day morning 11 am, Sh. Elijah Moon gave a message entitled “Great Warrior” based on Judges 6. He talked about God’s calling for each of us to be a great warrior for this generation, and encouraged us to accept God’s calling and to have a clear identity as a great warrior to serve campus ministry with an overcoming spirit over all the difficulties of this generation.  

Through the special lecture and two main messages we all could renew our clear identity and life purpose as a great warrior and were strengthened to serve upcoming spring semester ministry. 

We thank God for providing us the very convenient conference place in every way for us. It only took one hour from Seoul to the place. We also thank God for filling our hearts full of grace through the word of God and through the whole conference.

Joshua Kim