Sudan Gospel Work of 2014 & 2015 Direction and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 19, 2015
  • 1345 reads

Part 1. 2014 Gospel Work

There were many things that happened throughout the year of 2014.

First of all M. A. K. and H. K. moved their mission field to Egypt. They have been serving Sudan gospel ministry more than 20 years. It was a strategic transfer to reinforce Egyptian ministry and to serve South Sudan freely. However, there was a big gap after his family left. So I should struggle for spiritual survival.

Second, there was persecution of the church since 2013. It affected our ministry as well. We had to stop our 1:1 study and worship service for a week or more to protect us from the enemy. Last July, all my family members went to Korea to join the summer Bible conference and to refresh our spirit. During the time we were in Korea we received the sad news from Sudan. One Korean missionary family was expelled from Sudan. This family was close to us. And the lady worked together with Sh. F. L., my co-worker, in the school. We were informed that the security would target Sh. F. L. It is because she worked in the mission school as an art teacher. It means that there is no way for Sh. F. L. to come to Sudan. Once she enters Sudan, she would be investigated and deported. So I went to Sudan alone.

To protect Sudanese shepherds and sheep Sh. F. L. and my children decided to go to Egypt instead of Sudan. It was really an unbelievable and unacceptable situation. However, we believe that the Lord will make a way for us sooner or later. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”(Jn 14:6) The Lord made the way of salvation. The Lord made the way even for Israel in front of the Red Sea. For me it is really a severe and terrible time. But I believe that there is God’s good will for this.

Shepherdess T. left to Juba last week after X-mas worship service. So nowadays only two shepherds, B and W are left in Khartoum. They graduated this year. But they could not find proper jobs in Khartoum so they plan to move to South Sudan soon.

When I see the situation I am not able to serve gospel mission. The power of Satan strongly rules over Sudan and all our leaders moved to South Sudan. I cannot go fishing on the campus and I cannot even visit a sheep’s house due to security issues. What should I do in this situation?

I remember last year’s key verse, Jn14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” I cannot save even one man. But Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. He can guide sheep where to go and how to live. There is no limitation in Jesus. Nothing is impossible for those who believe in him. I can only believe that Jesus will make the way and carry out the gospel work in Sudan.

Part II. 2015 Direction and Prayer Topics

I chose John 3:16 as the key verse for 2015. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

I want to return to the basics. Only Jesus gives us eternal life and the kingdom of God. May I have eternal life in Jesus and deliver Jesus’ word constantly to lost sheep.

Prayer topics:

1. May God help my family to unite and to serve God’s work as a complete house church.

2. To study Genesis faithfully in the New Year.

3. To serve 4 new sheep through 1:1 study.