Nicaragua UBF Annual Report 2014

  • by WMD
  • Feb 11, 2015
  • 1648 reads

 “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

1. Direction for the New Year

I attended the directors’ conference of Central and South America, held in Argentina from the end of December to the beginning of January; here I was able to find a direction for the New Year through the Bible study. We started out the new year as a year to raise up disciples and preach the Word breathed by the Holy Spirit, based on 2 Tim 3:16-17. 

2.  Being Visited and Visiting

In April, we thank the Lord that he sent Sh. Jorge Antonio from Dominican Republic as a lecturer at the Easter Bible Conference and let us share fellowship with him; in June, our family, M. Rebecca and children, had a time to recharge, after having been to our native country Korea for two months; from September to December, Sh. Moses Kim in Hansung UBF visited Nicaragua and was with the Nicaraguans doing an assistantship in the Korean department. One sister, Fadia, is in a three-year course, studying in Korea, whom one shepherd and his co-workers in Baebong UBF have taken care of with hearts, time, and materials.

In December, Shs. Ester Kim in Guatemala UBF also came here and was with us by teaching the violin; In October, Sh. Dimas visited us; M. Rebeca Kim visited the country, Guatemala, and then came back with brother, Jonathan and sister Leyda; then, in November M. Josue Ham from Guatemala visited here, visiting Central America one after another. Thank the Lord who allowed us to be visited or to visit, that we might serve him and his gospel work.    

3. Easter Bible Conference

We had Easter Bible Conference in la Garnacha during Easter week in April. In this conference, Eveling, Celeste, and Silvia Castillo (sisters), and Kent, Milton, Cristian, Holman, Juan Carlos, and Luis (brothers) attended; thank God that he was with them and let us serve them; in particular, we thank the Lord that he granted His Word to three shepherds (Jonathan, Mariano, and Ayser), and one brother Holman, and each wrote a testimony with true repentance. 

We thank God that after Easter Bible Conference, he helped us to challenge discipleship training through a symposium, Daily Bread testimony, preaching in León, a local university, and taking a trip to a valley, seeing mountains and lakes for enhancing disciple-candidates’ spirit, etc. 

4. Campus Worship Service on Friday

God blessed campus worship service on Friday, passing through the first term and the second term; we thank the Lord that through the campus worship we could serve Christian students. In this way, we were not confined only within our fence; brothers and sisters, such as Eberth, Milton, Ernaldo, Rari, Enrique, Josemaria, Celeste, sisters whom sister Celeste invited, faithfully attended; especially  three shepherds (Ayser, Jonathan, Mariano) delivered the message by turns; brother Holman was also with us to serve music for the last one year.

5. Thank God for using the Korean department from Nicaragua National University

He used the ambassador to move the university from Wuca to Wunan and helped M. Rebeca Kim and other missionaries to deal with this department. Among members of classes, ten or more, such as Leyda, Eveling, Ligia, Jasiris, Mariajose attended Christmas Worship Service and among them, Jasiris began to study the Bible newly.

6. Sunday Worship Service and One to One Bible Study

In the second half of the second term we had more than 20 SWS attendants; our prayer topics were 20 SWS attendants and 30 teams of one to one Bible study. However, one to one BS did not exceed 20 teams, and for the most part, we did not strive for one to one evangelism. Also, brothers and sisters did not do testimony writing faithfully. May the Lord help us to write a testimony to repent and accept one word in our hearts by meditating on God’s words deeply every week. I pray that we may actively follow the example of the Lord Jesus who obeyed the Father’s will even to death, so that testimony writing and evangelism may not be heavy with a sense of duty, but light from  a willing heart. 

7. My shepherd life

Last year, I was going to serve sheep personally, humbly through one to one BS, based on the key verse Acts 20: 31. But as it turned out, I studied the Bible only in group and did not help sheep personally. However, during the last one year, my transgressions as a shepherd were often exposed; I lorded it over them frequently; I did not serve them with humility and tears, but used to deal with them without love; I did not live according to the Word.

I pray to keep on serving sheep through one to one dialogue and one to one BS, repenting based on the new year 2015 key verse, Mark 10:45: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

I confess that I am careless about my children: Insu, Eunje, and Hayoung; each of them is my physical and spiritual child in Christ; I hope eagerly to teach each of them to be a person who does not need to be ashamed before God.

Prayer Topics for 2015:

In the New Year, 2015, the prayer topic for Nicaragua UBF is that all our members may seek first God’s kingdom based on Matthew 6:33: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Leaders have so much to do because of their job or work or studies that they are liable to be caught up in their own life. May the Lord help us to seek first His kingdom! 

  1. To have 40 teams of one to one BS and 40 SWS attendants
  2. To serve the Central American Bible Conference
  3. For Jonathan, Mariano, and Ayser to be raised as shepherds; for shepherdessess, Sandra, and Jasiris’s direction in the future and for their marriage by faith
  4. To serve shepherds, shepherdesses and new sheep

One Word: “Seek first his kingdom!” 

M. Juan Kim