Southern South America Conference Journey report by Seungyun Kim

  • by WMD
  • Feb 05, 2015
  • 1398 reads

Tu eres el Cristo! (You are the Christ!)

“Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ’”(Mark 8:29) “Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest?’ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest”(John 4:35).

. Chicago, USA

I attended the Southern South America Conference and visited some mission places with M. Maria Lee during Jan. 7-25, 2015. Actually, I was going to run the winter school program which my school had asked me to do, but it was canceled and I was able to join this trip. It was totally the guidance of the Holy Spirit and my schedule was just right for everything.

Our first visit was Chicago. When we arrived, it was very cold and a snowstorm was raging. But through the snow, M. Grace A Lee and M. Isacc Lim came to the airport to meet us. During our Chicago stay, we came to visit 5 house churches for lunch or dinner invitations. I have never been more popular in my life than I was in Chicago with M. Maria Lee. At first, I didn’t expect much about visiting Chicago, however, I was surprised by many loving invitations and care from Chicago missionaries. This was all because of M. Maria Lee who is a world famous missionary!^^

The highlight of visiting Chicago was to meet Mother Barry and study with her. After a beautiful lunch at M. Barry’s house, we studied Philippians chap. 2 which was the weekly message. M. Maria Lee was so touched saying, “This is a historical event!” While we were studying, M. Maria actively participated in answering questions, while I mainly listened to what they said.

But in the middle of Bible study, M. Barry said to me, “Be like Timothy~!” which remained in my heart with a big impression. After that, M. Barry gave me her own handmade steamed milk which she had used to make for her sheep back in Korea, and I felt like I became her Bible student. Thank God for wonderful serving and love from missionaries during 3 nights and 4 days’ stay in Chicago!

. Asuncion, Paraguay

At last, we arrived in Paraguay via USA and Argentina. It was so hot there I felt like my skin would burn and be barbequed. But it was not that humid like Korea, so as we entered the shade, it was like a paradise. There is one missionary family-Andrew & Anna Heo and 4 children- who serve Asuncion University. Their house and center were located within the same fence, which I was told the late M. John Lee (M. Maria Lee’s husband) made for himself.

Since the main purpose of this journey was to help Bro. Sergio and Oscar to join the conference and for us to be a blessing to those whom we would meet, we spent a lot of time praying for them and the Asuncion campus. We prayed that God may strengthen M. Andrew’s house church and send new Bible students. We also managed to visit Bro. Sergio and Oscar to encourage them and share gifts from Korea.

While we were staying in Paraguay, M. Juan & Rocio Hwang came to see us and they even came to the airport to see us off, which gave us a great thanksgiving and pleasure. We could feel that their hearts were soft and wide open. I pray that God may touch their hearts and souls so that they may recover as a co-working missionary family.

Through visiting Paraguay, I’ve especially learned the importance of house church and co-working. Only one or two families serve our ministry in many pioneering mission fields. It is not easy for a few families to serve God’s mission, but it is also very worthy to do so. Because they are not just a family but a “house church” sent from God as campus missionaries and shepherds. That’s why it is so important to co-work between husband and wife and parents and children.

Even though there is one family, if the co-working works well, the circumstances can be organized well and sheep can be raised and it can be a wonderful church before God. However, if the co-working doesn’t work out, the house church loses its power and becomes a difficult place for the Holy Spirit to work. I pray that God may shine the light of the gospel upon Paraguay campus through M. Andrew & Anna’s missionary family.

Ⅲ. Southern South America Conference

We left for Buenos Aires after 5 days’ stay in Paraguay, where S.S.A Bible conference was held. We arrived one day before the conference, and we greeted many people with South American style greetings- hugging and kissing. Due to lack of air-conditioners, we prayed a lot for fine weather and God granted beautiful weather during the conference period so that we could eat and study Bible in the green garden just like a garden party.

A large part of the conference programs were done by 2nd gen missionaries including songs, drama, dancing and even messages. I was especially moved by their love and devotion towards Jesus, and in which the special kind of S. American passion was melted. A total of 6 messengers and 12 testimony speakers shared God’s powerful words and grace in their lives.

The biggest impression for me was Bolivian sheep and missionaries. Around 50 Bolivian members took part in this conference. I was deeply moved by God’s great works in Bolivia which is a relatively poor country among S. America countries. I could see the reality of S. American sheep, many of whom suffer from sexual abuse or harassment by family members or relatives. And of course, poverty and a weak economic situation lead them to use drugs and have a sinful life without any hope and vision.

But at the same time I could watch how the gospel of Jesus worked in their lives through his missionaries whose faces were tanned like native Indians of S. America and filled with wrinkles that came from hard work and dedication. The gospel is alive in S. America!

Personally, I could meet the same Jesus who was the real first love of my life through John 8:11. After the dramatic and unconditional grace of first meeting with him, it took over 10 years for me to realize how sinful a person I am. But again with the same verse, John 8:11, Jesus has come to me and helped me to repent of my old sinful lust and gave me the new direction, “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

In addition, when I saw Jesus who looked at tough Samaria as a harvest field having a rough Samaritan woman as his sheep, I could realize that he is calling me as a harvest worker and coworker for campus sheep. I could feel that Jesus is holding my hand and that now is the time to co-work with Jesus putting childish ways behind me. “Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest” (John 4:35).

. Iguazu Falls

After a gracious conference, M. Maria Lee left for Toledo, USA and I took a trip to Iguazu Falls with M. Joshua Jun’s family, S. Changyul Yoon, 2nd gen Paul Cho and M. Maria Ahn. Roman 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Two days of seeing Iguazu Falls made us experience God’s grand art and design in nature.

For we had lots of joyful talks and delicious food for the entire trip, our 8 team members gave compliments to one another, saying, “We are the best team.” I especially enjoyed the fellowship with M. Maria Ahn who is also known as a world famous servant of God and M. Joseph Ahn’s wife.

As a roommate and travel mate, she and I shared a lot of things among ourselves; through those times God allowed us to build a friendship in Jesus beyond our age gap. I learned and enjoyed her wide shepherd heart and cute character just like a neighborhood sister. Once again, I give thanks to God who let us become one through Jesus. “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility” (Ephesians 2:14).

. Owens, USA & Conclusion

On the way back home, I had a chance to go to Owens chapter where I looked forward to visiting. In Owens chapter are M. Paul & Anna Choi and their daughter, my dear friend Grace Choi. I longed to go there, because I wanted to see Grace who has become a precious friend in Jesus. During Grace’s stay at Hanyang center last summer, God had us share abundant delight and pleasure with the love of Jesus and blessed us to become best friends in Jesus despite cultural differences, but still with many common points such as both being teachers, loving soy coffee, enjoying silly jokes and etc.

As for me, it was the first time to have a 2nd gen friend like Grace, but through friendship with her God granted me a comfort and joy and I could learn that my friendship and love towards other coworkers including Grace is an expression of love towards Jesus. “Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints”(Philemon 1:7).

Now in Owens chapter, there is an average of 10 Sunday worship attendants coming. M. Paul Choi and Chris Jewel take turns to serve the Sunday messages. 2nd gen M. Grace Choi is sincerely carrying on the good fight of faith in her fields like school, ministry and personal life. I asked M. Paul Choi’s family to have a cup of coffee in Owens; they served me with overflowing coffee and tea so I had to go to the bathroom twice as much as usual.

I was so thankful for their love. I pray that I can constantly support them with intercessory prayer and God may bless Owens ministry and its house church. I also pray for Grace that she can see God’s clear vision upon her life and God may pour out his love and grace on her and bless our friendship to be like that of David & Jonathan.

Most of all, I want to thank M. Maria Lee who became my company throughout the journey. Wherever she goes, she always looks around at the people who need conversation, encouragement and prayer. Among all those people, I think, I was the No. 1 sheep she had to care for during this trip.

It was an unforgettable memory to take a mission trip with her. I pray that God may consistently use her as a woman of faith and faithful servant of God for the kingdom of God. I thank God who planned this journey and poured out unexpected grace and love on this journey for 18 days. In these last days, I listen to God’s voice calling us to the fields for harvest. I pray that I may walk with the Holy Spirit everyday being led by him so that I could live on as a faithful coworker of Jesus and his loving bride. Amen.  (Jan. 30, 2015.)