Pretoria II Mission Report 2014 by Joshua Suh

  • by WMD
  • Jan 30, 2015
  • 1773 reads

My key verse for 2014 was Romans 4:17: “He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed - the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.”

By holding this key verse I wanted to trust and rely on God Almighty to fight spiritual battles, to serve a new ministry, and to be independent financially. As Pretoria ministry had grown in size and in number in June 2013, we decided to make our ministry smaller dividing into two ministries so that each and every member can re-dedicate themselves to the gospel ministry. During 2013, we only had separate group Bible Studies while having the same Sunday worship service together. But from January this year, we started having our own Sunday worship services at different times and at different venues.

After establishing chapter II, we went through a difficult time derived from the fact that one of the shepherd families left the ministry. We had served this family more than 15 years from the beginning of our early ministry. Some brothers also left after their graduation pursuing their own careers. We became smaller and smaller in number. Most of all, it affected me mostly. I felt that the past 17 years of work was in vain and futile. I lost hope, passion and desire for disciple-making ministry. But as we just started the new ministry, I had to overcome such feelings and emotion. It was all by the grace of God, which enabled me to overcome myself, and hold onto His words during such a period of time.

This year we had two conferences. In February we had a Bible Camp. We planned this early Bible camp in February in order to invite the first year students. 19 people attended, and among them, there were the newcomers who later steadily attended our worship services.

During September we had a Spring conference. 30 people attended the conference. In this conference, God established the new messengers: brother Fani and Lethukutula. Although they were spiritually young, they had become our main members serving as worship team members, and as a presider for the worship service. They devoted themselves to the message preparation, and received the words of God. Compared to the first semester, our leaders have been growing by having a sense of ownership and playing a key role in preparing and serving the conference. For the first time three sisters, Samu, Dudu and Refilwe, served as Group Bible Study leaders, and they are now growing as Bible teacher candidates.

When I look back over this year, I must say that it was all by the grace of God and His mercy that I could serve Him and his holy mission assigned to me. Although I had new challenges as a chapter leader this year, God led me into the green pastures where I could be fed with His words. Through studying Luke’s gospel and 1 Corinthians this year, I was rejuvenated and learned many spiritual lessons which led me into deeper insight and understanding of God’s words.

Many times I failed and sinned, but God’s words enabled me to re-challenge and resume serving God’s mission. Missionary Daniel Rhee, Miso Rhee, Joseph Kim’s family and Shep Abia’s family have been good coworkers and prayer-supporters to our ministry. Without them I wouldn’t be able to serve God’s mission. Particularly, Msn Daniel and Miso Rhee are continuously blessings to us. They are serving brother Happy, John and sister Dudu and Rejoice who are growing as disciples of Jesus. I am much indebted to their prayer support for our ministry.

In terms of business, God has opened more opportunities to serve new corporate clients. I believe that when God is with me, there is nothing that I should fear. It is God who provides me better business and a stable income. I pray that I may fully rely on God in serving God’s mission and in doing business.

In 2015, we would like to focus on 1:1 Bible studies and focus on the Book of Genesis so that our brothers and sisters may have basic faith in God, the Creator, establishing a solid and deeper personal relationship with Him.

The key verse for 2015 is Joshua 17:17, 18 “But Joshua said to the house of Joseph--to Ephraim and Manasseh—‘You are numerous and very powerful. You will have not only one allotment, but the forested hill country as well. Clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours; though the Canaanites have iron chariots and though they are strong, you can drive them out.’” Going up into the forest and clearing land demanded a lot of effort and time. To clear land, they should drive out all the Canaanites who lived in the hill country. Furthermore, they should cut down all forest removing the roots and stumps and debris in order to clear land. They had to overcome an easy-going mind, and do the hard work.

I must first admit and accept that pioneering involves lots of effort, sacrifice, devotion and focus. Sometimes my mind was divided in two: business and ministry. In 2015, I pray that I may overcome an easygoing way and mind, but work harder to feed sheep and to prepare a powerful Sunday worship message. I pray that God may bless our pioneering ministry that we may raise disciples of Jesus who can raise up other disciples.

Prayer topics for 2015

  • 25 Teams of 1:1 Bible study and 30 worship attendants
  • Study the book of Genesis
  • Raise up 3 shepherds