Hungary UBF Annual Report 2014 by Andrew Kim

  • by WMD
  • Jan 30, 2015
  • 1524 reads

The Good News of the Cross and Remaining in God’s Love

1. The Ministry in 2014

At first we prayed for all missionaries to be shepherds for one sheep. The key verse for Hungary in 2014 was 2 Tim 4:2, "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” We prayed to deliver the word absolutely according to this verse that I had learned about at the European leader’s conference at the beginning of the year and through 1 Corinthians 1:21, "God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.” Each of us tried to win a sheep and to serve him. Yet, everyone was so busy trying to gain financial independence that we had no time to preach. Although we had no visible fruit, we held onto the concern of campus mission and kept on praying.

2. Forming the Vessel of Co-working with Two Mission Families

Missionary Rebecca was so faithful as a missionary for Hungary for the last five years. She laid down the foundation as a self-supporting missionary. When the time came, God allowed her to establish a mission family with Missionary Isaac Chung. She gave the future of Hungarian mission into God’s hands alone and established her mission family by faith. Her decision of faith for God’s glory and God’s ministry had a great influence on the future marriage candidates.

Missionary Isaac Chung is a man of faith. Although he is young in age and faith, he obeyed God by faith and married Missionary Rebecca. He has been learning Hungarian diligently for the past four months. We firmly believe that God will bless their pure faith and will use them preciously in his world mission ministry. Because I saw God in this family, I had a heart to co-work with them reverently. We thank the Lord that he is forming the vessel of the Holy Spirit with our two families.

3. The Growth of the Second Generation

Grace Kim graduated from high school in this year and is preparing for the entrance to the university. Somang-Nada Kim is in the second year of high school. God helped them to keep their faith in school and to overcome alienation. Now I realize that they are no longer under age but know God personally. Grace teaches Somang-Nada the Bible once a week. During Bible study they talk with each other and deepen their relationship. Thank God for raising Grace as a Bible teacher. We pray God may help her to be accepted into her desired major. May God use the second generation preciously.

4. Standing Firmly on the Faith of God and the Gospel of the Cross

Although we did not see much visible fruit, we have won the Lord himself. Above all, we could keep faith in God in all situations. I had to be self-supporting as a family man. Besides the two year job as an employee, I had my own business. I earned a living being a tourist guide. This was independent of the economic situation in Korea. The Lord had to send the guests in order to support me. God did not ignore my plea and fed us by sending people like ravens. This is the way he let me trust in him. I held on to God’s word from Mark 10:27, Mark 11:22-24, Mark 12:27 and Hebrews 11:6 and passed on this faith to the co-workers. I thank the Lord that the co-workers in Hungary are growing.

This year was so special in the sense that we remained in the gospel of the cross and in the love of God. Through Bible study from 1 Corinthians and Acts we learned about the cross as being God’s wisdom and power. Personally, I could stand firmly in gospel of grace through Galatians.

The word from John 13:1 and John filled my heart with the Lord’s love. His one sided love for me, an unworthy person with sin and guilt, touched my heart. In contrast to this, I was legalistic and stubborn. The more my weaknesses were revealed, the greater the grace became that God had predestined me from the beginning to become a child of God.

5. Direction for 2015

In 2014 I just enjoyed the Lord’s grace. Now I pray to let the saving gospel of grace flow to others in 2015. My key verse is John 21:15 “Feed my lambs!” We missionaries in Hungary pray to feed the sheep with the Lord's love.

Prayer Topics:

  1. To study Romans
  2. To feed a sheep
  3. To win one more mission family
  4. Grace Kim’s entrance into the university
  5. To study the language continuously
  6. For self-supporting life