Pretoria I UBF Year View 2014

  • by WMD
  • Jan 29, 2015
  • 1704 reads

After dividing into two chapters, we started worship service separately from January 19.  It was possible because either chapter could use the Bible house as the space for worship service and all other activities. This year we have laid firm grounds for two chapters so that each chapter can grow well independently in the coming days. 

1. Study the word of God

We studied Luke’s gospel till July. After this book we studied 1 Corinthians from August till October. We are now studying Genesis since November. We divided the Bible passages into large sections, so we could cover a considerable volume of contents in a year. Through the study of 1 Corinthians, we could understand it is possible to have many problems in a church and realized the necessity of spiritual growth in order to progress forward in learning Jesus Christ deeply. 

2. Conferences and discipleship camps

We had summer student conference from February 28 to March 2. It was the first conference after dividing the ministry. We studied Mark 2 and John 4, 19 and 21. The goal of these studies was to renew our attitudes to follow Jesus in this material world, not seeking ourselves or following idols of the world. A sister confessed that she had been looking for a boyfriend expecting he would bring her happiness. Through the word of God, she realized that she should follow Jesus who would be a well of her true satisfaction. A brother said that he spent much time for himself using computer. He now wants to feed sheep and he wrote about it in his personal testimony. 

On June 24 to 26, we held the winter Bible school just before starting campus recess. Attendees were four brothers who were staying in the Bible house. We studied Genesis 37 through 50, the story of Joseph. They could learn about Joseph’s life that was deeply rooted in God sovereignty. Brother Anele loved the dramatic story of Joseph’s life and he wrote a testimony with thorough observation of the passages. 

We held a spring conference on August 29 to 31 with 35 participants. We selected John 4 and 8, Luke 23 and 24. The theme of the conference was the grace of Jesus’ forgiveness. We learned Jesus’ forgiveness and new life direction, which Jesus commanded to the woman based on John 8. God blessed us to raise two new messengers: Anele and Bheky. Though it was the first time for them to prepare and deliver the messages at the conference, they moved people’s hearts with graceful lectures. There were two noticeable points. Billy was appointed as a shepherd. He had been feeding two sheep on regular basis. Two sisters confessed their dark past written in their testimonies at the sharing session. Through the testimonies there was Jesus’ grace among us in the hall. 

From December 4 to 7, we had a discipleship camp together with chapters 1 and 2. The theme was God’s personal calling. 12 brothers and sisters participated and studied about God’s calling to Moses, Deborah and Isaiah. At the session of sharing personal reflections, they revealed their fear and anxiety of achieving academic success and getting a future job. However, most of them sincerely agreed that God’s calling was the first priority in their lives and decided to respond to God’s calling feeding sheep from the next year. 

3. World mission 

We are still praying for Mozambique in order to raise Bible teachers in the nation. Mozambique people and university students are using Portuguese. They are now experiencing a transitional period from a strict society based on communism to a free democratic society. We want to visit the country more often this coming year and look for a way to raise one Abraham whom God would raise up. May God plant his living word in the heart of Br. Cremildo who graduated this year from the major university which is Eduardo University in Maputo the capital.  

Recently, I found the possibility of enlarging one to one mission in Africa. Using whatsapp application is very popular and is cheap in cost among the youth in Africa. For the last several months I did one to one Bible study with students who are staying in remote places using this means. I can see it works exchanging text messages between bible teacher and sheep on a smart phone. I personally pray for this vision in order to expand the kingdom of God beyond geographical boundaries.  

My key verse for 2015 is Philippians 3:10, “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection.” I still do not know enough who Jesus is to me. I have to pray with this verse in order to know Jesus Christ deeper and larger in 2015. I am always facing the daily ministry and think first about the size of ministry instead of seeking Jesus Christ. May God lead and guide me into the right way that is following right after Jesus Christ in the year 2015. 

Prayer topics for 2015:

  1. To study Genesis
  2. To raise disciples and house churches
  3. To pioneer Mozambique