Prayer Topics of Paternal & La Plata UBF, Argentina

  • by WMD
  • Jan 28, 2015
  • 1367 reads

As God called a hopeless old man to restart his redemptive history in such a dark time, so the God of hope calls each of us to be a source of blessing in and through Jesus!  We saw God's hope for Latin American people, wretched in sins. Many obeyed God's calling and are growing as an Abraham and Sarah of each nation!!

After the conference we visited two newly pioneered chapters and with a new Bible house as well as Buenos Aires Center.

Here are two pictures of the new pioneering chapter, "Paternal UBF" by M. Juan and Joanna and Joseph and another two pictures are about a new Bible house of La Plata UBF (M. Isaac and Maria Cho and Maria Jr.)

Their prayer topics are:

Prayer Topics of Paternal UBF of Argentina (Pioneered in June 2014 from La Plata)

  1. Powerful Sunday message by M. John Moon
  2. Conquer the Spanish language by faith for M. John & Joanna Moon
  3. May God send one sister to raise as Sarah
  4. 20 Sunday Worship attendants by the year 2020
  5. Spiritual growth of two sons, John & Joseph

Prayer Topics of La Plata UBF of Argentina

  1. Maria Cho (daughter of M. Isaac Cho), Argentine sister Nadia, Argentine brother Jorge to grow as shepherdesses and shepherd
  2. Get 6 students by fishing at campus of the University of La Plata
  3. Bless the Bible Study of Romans
  4. Raise 12 disciples
  5. May a Latin American shepherd come to La Plata UBF as a missionary

Jose Paul Ahn.