Lagos UBF Annual Report 2014, Nigeria

  • by WMD
  • Jan 27, 2015
  • 1652 reads

See the Vision of God

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

Heavenly Father! Thank you for your care and love throughout the year. Fill me with your Spirit to see vision of the coming year. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I. Annual Review in 2014

Last year I chose Joshua 1:7,8 as a key verse. To be strong and courageous is the main battle requirement with the meditation of the word of God in my Christian life against the power of Satan. This life of faith is to live with the word of God till I breathe my last breath. Throughout the year, I kept the word of God in my heart and mouth. While I was moving about inside the car or waking up in the morning, I repeated the words of God continuously. I believe that God will strengthen me and comfort me in his time and in his own way. Loneliness or financial instability are not the real matter. It is whether in my heart I trust the Mighty God and Savior Christ Jesus and the living Holy Spirit in my daily life or not. If I am worshiping God then I am on the right track in my pilgrimage to the kingdom of God. In all circumstances God provides and builds me up for His good purpose and love. I stood still and kept the faith throughout the year depending on the promise of God. Living all alone in my house without wife and children led me to lose spirit and not to give my heart for mission life. But God demonstrated his love upon me to run this race by my faith in Christ Jesus. God is merciful to Shep Abraham, James and Fato to serve each chapter. God also raised committed second generation leaders for each chapter like Shep Ben, Thompson, Tayo, Ibukun. God blessed the ministry to be sustained and sent eight graduates for National Service corps. I pray that God will bring them back to be remnants for campus evangelism.

God supported my family through M. David and Sarah B Choi over 18 months. So I served my wife and children in Korea. I am so thankful for their sacrifice to sustain my missionary life while I was in difficult times.

In His time God was merciful to me to have a business contract with Samsung Heavy Industries beginning in June of 2015. I can provide eight buses and bread for 1,000 workers who are going to build the crude oil storage vessel in Lagos. God was merciful to get a contract with a local company HPZ for branding show room work. Shep Fato went to Chicago center for spiritual training. He was very much encouraged by the help of many senior missionaries and shepherds in Chicago center.

God blessed my wife to keep her spiritual life and stay in good health in Dongkyo center. My children are growing spiritually by the grace of God. They are being built up in their faith in Christ Jesus and maintain their university life well.

We held Easter conference with the title, “We shall see Jesus in heaven” based on Revelation 1:7. We had a joint conference with Medilag, Yabatech, Lagos II and I. There were 88 participants. The Holy Spirit was present and touched participants’ hearts throughout the conference. Joint conferences among four chapters are reviving us newly to restore our first spirit like it was in 1998. They restored our love in Jesus among us. These conferences break and throw off all our feeling of separation. They strengthened leaders in their spiritual lives from Yabatech chapter, for since last year they did not have any conference. Lagos II chapter saw faithful and royal remnants for the gospel of Christ. Medilag chapter is blessed to raise medical students. Lagos I has new spirit to preach and serve students. We prayed to preach the word of God so that we may raise Bible teachers in this generation. We were reminded to carry out Bible teaching with the hope of seeing Jesus in heaven as our life goal and purpose. We prayed to double the ministry this year. One person could invite one Bible student. We prayed for each chapter director like Shep Jemes (Medilag) and Shep Abraham (Lagos II) and Shep Duke (Yabatech). Through this conference we gained clear assurance and prayer topics to raise mission families to settle down. The seed of resurrection was planted in our hearts. We gained a new way of life to live for Jesus Christ. Throughout the conference I was thankful to God for giving me time to pray for this great nation Nigeria. God helps me to forgive all kinds of people in my heart for their eternity. The site of Redemption Camp was shining with light in the night for people who came to pray. It is more than hundreds of acres of land with shining light for people to come and pray in the night. It is unusual to see such a site to provide a light for people at night but Redemption Camp spends freely for even one person. I prayed God may bless this nation of Nigeria to raise many young men and women to preach the word of God with the hope of seeing Jesus in the kingdom of God. Thanks be to God. He gives us victory over death through the resurrection of our Lord Christ Jesus. Praise Jesus who blesses us to see the vision of resurrection and the heavenly kingdom.

We held a leaders' conference at the center like the weekend conference last week. Due to the Ebola virus, we hesitated to hold any conference after session ending. Shep Abraham delivered a message with the title of “The Parable of the Talents” based on Matthew 25:14-30. The servants entrusted with five and two talents were so faithful to their master. According to their faith they produced a 100% benefit. They joined to share the master’s happiness. Their devotion to their master’s business was rewarded in his own time. Jesus entrusted us to bring others to the kingdom of God. 

Shep Fato delivered a message with the title, “Feed my Lambs”, based on John 21. Shep James presented a symposium on discipleship. He also delivered the Christmas message. We held prayer time. I am so thankful to my Lord Jesus who works with this weak man throughout the year.

II. Vision and Strategy for 2015 

New Year Key Verse - “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

Isaiah was known as a suffering servant of God. Because he repeatedly warned the people that Jerusalem and Judah would be judged by their wickedness. He also offered the hope of comfort with promises of divine deliverance. God is the only Savior of my life and has power to restore my life by his sovereign power. Financial instability brings the major challenges in my missionary life. God will open the door by his miracle this year. God is doing a new thing. Now it springs up. I have to perceive it. God is making a way in the desert and streams in the waste land. God also will show his mercy upon me spiritually this year. I have a vision to have 70 SWSA this year and to raise many juniors to be Bible teachers. God will stabilize my daily bread condition. Chapters will see revival by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

One word: God is doing a new thing!

Prayer Topics

  1. Establish House church for Ben, Tayo, Ibukun, Sabastine, Taiwo
  2. For 120 SWS attendants and 1:1s in 3 chapters
  3. Read the whole Bible
  4. Successful business