Southern South America Summer Bible Conference 2015

  • by WMD
  • Jan 23, 2015
  • 1661 reads

The 2nd Southern S-America SBC was held from January 15-18 of 2015 in ‘El Sembrador’ (the sower) near Buenos Aires, Argentina with a total of 131 attendants, 121 from 7 Southern S- American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay) and 10 special guests (3 from U.S.A., 6 from Korea, 1 from Mexico). The title of the conference was “You are the Christ” (Mk 8:29). Each one of the participants sincerely confessed, saying, “You are my Christ” and prayed to follow Jesus as a disciple.

Shepherd Abraham Eric from Bolivia served lecture 1, “Neither Do I Condemn You” (John 8:1-12), Missionary Marcos Noah (Argentina) delivered lecture 2, “You are the Christ,” powerfully (Mk 8:29) and Missionary Efrain (Peru) served lecture 3, “Do you love me?” (John 21) gracefully.

The second Gen Maria Cho (La Plata) delivered the opening message, “Put Out into Deep Water” (Lk 5). A second Gen, Isaac Kim of Brazil, gave the evening message, “Lift up your eyes”(Jn 4). Other evening messengers were Lorenzo of Bolivia, “Follow me” (Mk 2), and M. Josue Chun of Chile, “Good and Faithful Servant” (Mt 24).

Twelve life testimony speakers were well prepared and used preciously in the conference. There were varied and abundant special programs: 6 traditional dances (2 Brazilian, 2 Argentine, 2 Bolivian), an impressive movie presentation produced chiefly by second generation missionaries themselves, entitled, “You are the Christ” and 2 dramas by Argentina UBF and one pantomime by Bolivia UBF, making this conference more colorful and abundant in an emotional aspect than at any other time.

There was a prayer meeting among native shepherds about having a house church and missionaries at night after the first day programs, where M. Joseph Ahn reported on his 40 days’ mission journey to Africa, Oceania, CIS and the Asia Directors' Conferences.

On the last day after finishing the conference, and then having lunch, there was a final meeting between native shepherds and missionaries during which we exchanged opinions on evaluation and improvements of the conference. Due to the time limits, native shepherds were mostly permitted to express their opinions at the meeting. I pray that from the next conference our native shepherds may take a lead role all the more and real leadership may be transferred to them.

After the meeting, a conversation between M. Pablo Oh Star and missionaries followed. He witnessed to secrets of the gospel  in an interesting and moving way from beginning to end, which he himself had experienced, pioneering Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, El Salvador, and Spain during the last 25 years. We, all missionaries received great grace and were challenged through his life as a pioneer and his life as a servant.

We will see only some time later, how God has worked among us through the conference. However, one evident thing that I saw is that a little fire has been kindled for Southern S-America campus revival in our hearts. Preparing for this conference, I used to ask myself, “Why do we prepare conferences?” Each time I asked this to myself, I got the same answer: “That we may see a vision on our campus, which is ripe for harvest, opening our eyes.” 

I saw the vision through shepherds, or shepherdesses, who were changed into witnesses to the Word, and through life testimony speakers; I saw the vision through the second generation, who were brought up as successors of this work in the lascivious world; I saw the vision through sheep’s eagerness to participate in the conference. By saving money during several months, I also saw the vision through sheep’s attitude to express their own passion by performing traditional dances. May the Lord who began this fire of the gospel in our hearts make it burst into flames vigorously!

At the end of this conference, M. Elias Park, coordinator of S-America, came up with a direction “Let’s be people to crave the Word.” I am convinced that this is a necessary direction. If we can’t have the victory of a basic life craving and eating the Word for ourselves, such a life is really worthless. If even anyone does not win the victory in this basic life, his life will be barren and be full of formality and a sense of duty; furthermore, such a bad influence will be easily transferred to sheep, so that they may bear it for some time, and then leave him.

I realized that the most necessary thing for us to do is to engage in self-training to dig a well of the Word and drink it for ourselves; if this is achieved, we will enjoy an abundant harvest; let’s pray to see a revival among seven countries in Southern S-America, by getting the victory of personal piety for ourselves. May the Lord see the land which is ripe for harvest, opening our eyes to see the reality!   

One Word: “…open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest”(John 4:35b).

by Esteban Cho(Bolivia UBF).