Greece Annual Report 2014

  • by WMD
  • Jan 22, 2015
  • 1756 reads


Key verse: 2 Corinthians 4:14 – “because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence.”

Part 1, 2014 Annual Review

1. Our key Verse for 2014 and God’s responses.

Our key verse for 2014 was Romans 8, 37-39: “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” Our ministry was confronted with a hard trial because of missionary Lydia’s sickness, the third stage of sarcoidosis. One of the urgent prayer topics of 2014 was her health’s recovery and coming back to the mission field. By God’s grace and by the prayers and offerings of co-workers of all the world, especially from the European Co-workers, she came back to Athens after her necessary health checkups and operations. Our Lord had mercy on us this year and answered sincerely our prayer topics according to his ways and time. One of our unanswered prayer topics is establishing the house church of shepherd Stamatis Savvanis. 

2. Bible Studies

In 2014 we studied the book of Genesis, Habakkuk, the gospel of Matthew, Acts and the letter of Philippians. Every week we shared the testimonies and special prayer topics in order to give glory to our Lord under any circumstances. One big change of our ministry was to start the monthly young Sunday worship service along with the chapter of Athens II. Second generations Lydia Lee, Paul Lee and Pauline Lee delivered the messages and the others co-worked well with them with testimonies, prayer and special songs. Also second gen Lydia Lee started one to one bible study with Isidora.  

3. Bible schools

On 18th-20th April we held the happy Easter conference along with the chapter Athens II at the Cosmos vision center, near the Athens' airport. Walter & Wynnel Net and missionary Grace Lee visited us in order to support us by prayer and message. Second gen Lydia Lee accepted one word of Jesus Christ: "It is finished!" and repented her shameful sins with tears. On 25th-27th October we held the fall bible conference at the suburb of Athens. Second gens and sister Isidora gave the graceful presentation of the book, “Pilgrim”. Also, shepherd Stamatis gave us the powerful message according to the 1st letter of Corinth chapter 15 and sister Isidora shared her heart moving life testimony. 

4. World Mission 

We served the European Summer Bible conference with the sense of stewardship. By God's grace we gave the performance of Greek traditional dance and Greek special song. Shepherd Stamatis gave the message on the morning devotion and second gen Lydia shared her graceful life testimony.  Last year the family of John Lee from Kwan-ak center, her daughter and son-in-law visited us. Also, shepherdess Lee Sun mi and 2 co-workers from Chongro chapter I visited us.  Second gen Joseph Han from L.A center, James Kim from Karlsruhe visited us too.  Also Shepherd Xenofon Grigoriadis visited us and delivered the Sunday worship service message according to Ezekiel chapter 37.

5. Special Thanks Giving Topics.

Praise the Lord for granting us daily breads and all needs during the year 2014. Praise the Lord who blessed the second gen Pauline Lee to enter the Athens University of Economics and Business. Praise the Lord who blessed sister Isidora to attend the European Summer bible Conference by faith and blessed her to be enrolled in college, at T.E.I of Athens from Nafpakto. Praise the Lord who blessed Zoi Woo to be enrolled in kinder garden. Praise the Lord who blessed second gen Lydia Lee to teach the Korean language in a private school and a Korean school. Praise the Lord for granting to shepherd Stamatis two jobs instead of one. 

Part II. 2015 key verse and prayer topics

Our key verse for 2015 is 2 Corinthians 4:14 “because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence”

  1. We pray that God may equip us with the resurrection of faith according to this key verse. 
  2. We pray that God may heal missionary Lydia Lee from her diseases.
  3. We pray that God may bless Shepherd Stamatis to have a steady job and to establish a house church.

We pray for Msn Mark Lee’s family to raise brothers Panos, Charis and sister Anna, as Abraham of faith and 7 disciples of Jesus Christ at the National Technical University (NTUA).   One word: God will raise us also with Jesus