The Work of God in Belize UBF 2014

  • by WMD
  • Jan 22, 2015
  • 1218 reads

The New Year’s key verse for 2014 was 2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season.” The prayer topics were as follows: 30 1:1s, 20 SWS attendants, 4 Bible teachers, 1 Sarah of faith.

Dillon and Charles had been faithful to 1:1 Bible study and Sunday worship service with a sense of ownership. Dillon said, “UBF is my church.” Charles said, “I must be in my Father’s house.” They brought their family members and friends to 1:1 Bible study and Sunday worship service. We had been studying John’s gospel and listening to Sunday messages and learning Jesus who is full of grace and truth. We had two fellowship Bible studies on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Through M. Sarah’s strong 1:1 ministry and M. Moses’ faithful Sunday messages, Belize ministry is growing.

In April, we had Easter Bible Academy at the Center with the title of “The Gospel of Resurrection,” based on 1 Corinthians 15. Kent, Charles, Dillon were the messengers. M. Isaac Kim from LA delivered a special lecture on the reality of the resurrection. At least, 21 attended per day.

In August we had Summer Bible Conference at Mountain View camp with the title, “You will be a blessing,” based on Genesis 4-12. This was the first conference held outside the center. M. Moses, Charles, Dillon were messengers. M. Hannah came as a short-term missionary and served the ministry with music, prayer and campus fishing and life testimony. She became a good friend with Belizean students and helped them practically. P. Jacob came and served the conference. He baptized Era and delivered a special lecture on the “Power of the Gospel.” Darren said that this was the best conference he had attended.

In November Sylvia Flores died of an infection on her leg and a complication of the surgery at the age of 75. She was the first 1:1 sheep of M. Sarah and had been a faithful prayer coworker. We had been praying at her office for UB students and for Belize. We miss her a lot. We have to continue to pray at the library. On December 14 we had Christmas worship service with the title, “Good News of Great Joy.” 19 attended and most of them were 1:1 Bible students along with their friends and family members.

Prayer topics were 30 1:1 and 20 SWA and 4 Bible teachers. God blessed our 1:1 Bible study ministry. M. Sarah has 19 students and has about 10 faithful 1:1 Bible students. We have about 10 Sunday worship attendants consistently. God answered our prayer for women ministry and sent Shennelle and Elvira. Shennelle finished Genesis and is preparing to be a Bible teacher. Shennelle, Dainell, Charles and Dillon began a group Bible study together to prepare Bible materials for each one to teach one student in 2015.

The New Year’s key verse for 2015 is Micah 4:2, “Many nations will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.’ The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

Prayer topics are:

  1. For 30 1:1s, 20 Sunday worship attendants.
  2. To raise 5 Bible teachers.
  3. For 1 student with music talent.
  4. For 10 to attend Guatemala International Bible Conference.
  5. To send 1 missionary to Barbados by 2017.
  6. M. Sarah to be a fruitful Bible teacher.
  7. M. Moses to be a powerful Bible speaker.

One Word: The word of the Lord will go out from Belize

by M. Moses Chang