Egypt UBF Mission Report and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Jan 19, 2015
  • 1359 reads

“Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2) 

2014 mission report

Egypt is one of the Arab League and famous for its tourist attractions. However, the number of tourists has decreased because of the political insecurity and terrorist outrage by militant Islamist groups. Therefore, the economic situation is also very bad these days. The population is 82 million and 10-20% of the population is Christian. I believe that Egypt could be a possible nation to be the Arab mission center.

We registered the name of UBF in the Egyptian government as an NGO at the beginning of this year, specializing in providing social, cultural, and religious services. We also rented a house for the Bible house near my house since we got the NGO license. We studied the whole Book of Luke’s gospel and some parts of the Book of Acts this year.

We also held the Easter Bible conference from April 5 to 7 with 55 attendants, including 5 people from Asyuot. In the conference, some repented their sinful minds and habits after we studied about Jesus who forgave all our sins on the cross. Since then, 15 people joined the Bible study and more than 20 people attend the Friday Worship Service.

In September of this year, Missionary A. and H, and F. L’s family came to Egypt and joined our ministry. We were so happy and welcomed them and we were so encouraged by them.

Prayer topics for the year 2015

  1. For faithful and deep Bible study every week.
  2. For invitations of university students to the Bible study.
  3. For moving our Bible center to a suitable and safe place so that many students may easily come.
  4. For me to grow to be an excellent Bible teacher and messenger.
  5. For me to have successful academic work in the Law School of Cairo University and to be economically self-supporting this year.
  6. For peace in Egypt.