Croatia Mission Report 2014 by Joseph Bae

  • by WMD
  • Jan 16, 2015
  • 2234 reads

Preach the Word, Be Prepared In Season and Out Of Season

The Ministry in 2014

I accepted 2 Timothy 2:15 as the year’s key verse: Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.   I prayed according to this word that I would love God’s word and take root in it and especially grow in spirit.

God helped me in this year to study Acts and Isaiah. Through Acts studies I could learn about the work of the Holy Spirit and Apostle Paul’s gospel spirit. I learned from Paul who believed in God under impossible circumstances and courageously preached the gospel. Through Isaiah I could learn about God’s love and patience that God did not destroy the people of Judah but rather promised the Messiah. God gave me new strength through Daily Bread and his word daily so that I could grow as God’s servant.

Sister Jaschenka read regularly God’s word and corrected Daily Bread. She also corrected M. Josef Bae’s message. Through this work, she could hear the message twice. She received God’s word in her heart and led an obedient life. She grew as a Bible teacher. Her faith grew and grew. She had faith to overcome all difficulties. We prayed for two years for her that God would grant her a job. God heard our prayers and she had a job by the end of the year. Unfortunately she fell along the way to work on her first day so that she broke her leg. She had to be brought to the emergency room. Her leg was put in a cast. Despite the situation, she did not complain to God but believed in God who works for the good of those who love him. She overcame the hardships by grace and patience.

God helped us to feed the sheep with five loaves and two fish. When M. Maria and I were very busy, we could not serve the entrusted sheep well. God helped us through Daily Bread and prayer to be spiritually strong again. Despite our shortcomings we visited the campus and invited sheep. We prayed that God would send us new sheep. God sent Sister Josipa who developed a relationship based on the Word with us. We prayed for the sheep Maja and Brother Matija that they would come back to Bible study faithfully. We also prayed for the families of Ivan and Stancic faithfully.

God helped M. Josef Bai to lead group Bible study and to serve the message wholeheartedly. Through this, he made great progress in faith. For Bible study from Isaiah, he prepared a Bible study book and preached God’s word powerfully.

God helped M. Maria to draw strength through Daily Bread continuously so that she could carry God’s mission and work in the company and raise the children well. She received grace through Daily Bread and carried the cross of mission faithfully. She made progress in faith.

Our second generation Rebekka (12 years) and Samuel Bae (10 years) also grew in faith. They read Daily Bread every day and prayed. They will grow as Bible teachers step by step. We prayed they would learn well in school and become an example of faith for their friends. They loved God and led a spiritual battle, although they were looked at weirdly at school because they do not have a television or a cell phone. They won many friends and prayed for them. They invited Karlo to worship service. Rebekka accompanied Sunday worship with piano while Samuel played the violin for the offering.

After seven years our family finally visited Korea. We could be restored physically and spiritually and return. Through this visit we got a thorough health check. After visiting Korea we took up sports. My children had wonderful times. My mother and my mother-in-law heard the gospel through us. They could pray together during our visit. That was the work of God that M. Maria’s mother now goes to church.

Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season

My key verse for the year 2015 is 2 Timothy 4:2: “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” I pray to preach God’s word in every situation. In order to serve Croatian sheep you need a lot of patience. I became powerless when I saw the sheep who had no spiritual interest. I could not preach the word when I am not filled with the Holy Spirit. I want to concentrate on the basic spiritual life so that I put forth a new spiritual strength daily in order to preach the word of God.

For 2015 we want to pray for each us to pray faithfully for each sheep and to serve them faithfully. I pray that M. Maria and I may visit the campus after work and give the sheep the word of God. The best time to preach does not come when you wait for it. After work we want to go to the campus and pray together and preach the gospel to the sheep.

Prayer Topics for 2015

  1. To preach God’s word in season and out of season
  2. Fundamental life of faith (early morning prayer, Daily Bread, testimony writing, to prepare Bible study material and to read the entire Bible)
  3. Isaiah and John’s gospel study; Sunday message from M. Josef Bae
  4. To hold three Bible academies
  5. Jaschenka’s health and her spiritual growth as a mother of prayer and her co-working in God’s work; regular BS with Matija, Maja and Josipa; to serve the two families Ivan and Stancic
  6. M. Maria to serve the sheep with God’s power; victory of faith in her career
  7. Second generation: BS, testimony writing, set an example in school