M. Sarah Chang (Belize) New Year Key Verse Testimony

  • by WMD
  • Jan 16, 2015
  • 1898 reads

I. 2014 key verse and thanksgiving topics.

“For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel”(Ezra 7:10).

Thank God for God’s greatest blessing for all mankind, Jesus Christ our LORD. God has done a few new things in Belize UBF last year. I would like to share them with thanks to God and God’s people who pray for us in the Lord.

  1. I thank God for the ministry of the words of God; John’s gospel, SWS, 1:1s, the daily breads, Tuesday and Saturday group bible studies.
  2. Thank God for the visit of God’s servants and their prayer: M. Isaac Kim, M. Jacob Lee, a short term M. Hannah Chung.
  3. 1st Belize summer bible conference 8/1-3/14 with title, “You will be a blessing.” Messengers: M Moses Chang, Charles Requena, Dillon Leal and special lecture by M Jacob Lee; attendants 18.
  4. Prayer meeting at 6 am. every day except Saturday with the daily bread.
  5. Thank God for hearing our prayers and sending girls- Shannelle Sosa and Elvira Arzu have been faithful to 1:1 and SWS.
  6. Thank God for establishing Genesis group Bible study with Dillon, Charles, Shannelle and Dainell who finished Genesis, made Bible study note, and were faithful to SWS.
  7. 2014 1st Sunday worship service attendants 6, and last SWS attendants 12; thank God for helping us to serve more than 10 persons’ ministry last year.
  8. Washington UBF co-workers’ prayer support.
  9. M. Grace Lee and M. Joseph Ahn’s faithfulness to share letters and prayer topics worldwide; Mother Barry’s encouraging word and prayer.
  10. God’s grace to my family: Moses jr ‘s open mind and communication, John’s new school life, Samuel and Ji-Eun’s marriage, Mary’s graduation, and God’s care for parents in LA and their prayer support though they are 90s.

II. My 2015 key verse and prayer topics.

“Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown”(Revelation 2:10b).

I was called when I was 26 with Genesis 1:31 and 12:1. I could not match God and Jesus but one thing I knew was that His calling and mission are precious. I had been self-centered, ambitious sinner. So I struggled and struggled miserably. When I was 62, my family was falling apart. But God gave me new birth by His great mercy at that time and led me to Belize as a silver missionary.

I have been already here 5 years. Some of our bible students wonder how long we will be here. I have also had question in the Lord God. Why did he give me his mercy when I am old, why not when I was young? Who could believe that M. Moses and I could work together in serving the Lord? What was impossible with us God made it possible.

Then God reminded me of our first new brown car as an illustration. How naïve we were about the world at that time! We went to buy a used car then changed our mind to get the cheapest new car. We look and look and found a cheapest one. We did not even try to test driving. Bank looked down on us, but they gave us money anyway knowing that I work as RN.

This car gave us so much troubles for 5 years, but it served us faithfully though it was old more than 7 years after all that troubles. Remembering this, I humbly accept this key verse with trembling heart. This is also my answer to my question and to their question. This is my prayer to God to let me be faithful even to the point of death to the Lord Jesus who died for my sins and rose from the dead by his great mercy.

My prayer topics are:

  1. Be faithful to the Lord Jesus, his words through prayer, repentance, 1:1 and worship on Sunday.
  2. 2015 Latin America international Bible conferences: Argentina, Mexico, Guatemala and Venezuela.
  3. Belize SBC: 7/31-8/2.
  4. 1st Genesis Bible study group, Dillon, Charles, Channelle and Dainell, for each to feed one sheep and grow as Bible teachers, shepherds, and shepherdess.
  5. To have 2nd Genesis group Bible study with Aaron Gentle, Elvira Arzu, Darren Leal….
  6. God may send us Bible students with music talents.
  7. To serve more than 20 persons’ ministry this year; for his guidance to new Bible center.
  8. God’s mercy upon our children.
  9. Good health for his name’s sake.