Botswana Mission Report 2014 by Timothy Chung

  • by WMD
  • Jan 13, 2015
  • 1612 reads

Key verse: John 13:35 “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

We had weekly testimony sharing meeting on campus based on the gospel of Mark. 1 sister and 3 brothers attended this meeting. We prayed that one word of God might be planted in their hearts. For Easter worship service, we all memorized 1Corinthians 15:50-58 and made a contest. The contest progressed joyfully. We meditated on Jesus’ glorious victory over death. Personally I learned that even though we were not many in numbers, our labor in the Lord was not in vain. We prayed that we might win over our weaknesses and hard situations, and experience the victory of God with resurrection faith. Brother Kitso was a 4th year student and a volleyball player. His team used to have matches on Saturdays and Sundays. He learned to respect God and keep Sunday worship service. When he had a match on Saturdays away from Gaborone, he left the team and came alone late on Saturday night after match and attended Sunday worship. When there was a match on Sundays, he persuaded his coach and attended Sunday worship instead of the match. He graduated this year and is trying to find a job in Gaborone. Now he is in his village, helping his sick mother in her shop. We pray that he gets a job in Gaborone and be the ancestor of faith for the university of Botswana. This year was one of the most difficult years. Whenever the students graduated, they left us because of a job problem or because they lost spiritual desire. This year another girl, who has studied the Bible since her 1st year, left us with a boy friend. One student failed in his examination and could not continue his study. Another student had a desire for the word of God, but when he was left alone, he went back to the church he has attended. When they quit one by one, no one was left with us. In addition, we could no longer use the classroom of the campus as our Sunday worship place. For some weeks, we had Sunday worship service in our house without a student. The numbers of churches and Christians in Botswana are increasing every year. But when no one was with us, I felt that they did not need me. But God helped me accept again that he has chosen me and called me for his work. I also remembered UBF key verse for 2014. “Preach the word.”(2Tim 4:2a) In obedience to the word, we went to the campus regularly and preached the word to the students. I did not depend on my past experience. I asked God for his help humbly about where to go and what to say. Then God sent several new students to the Bible study. God opened our hearts to feed all students who wanted the Bible studies but did not attend our Sunday worship. We fed them through 1:1 Bible study or group Bible study. They loved the Bible study. Among them four 1st year students attended Sunday worship service. Before the end of their examination, we celebrated Christmas worship service together joyfully. My family prepared a Christmas hymn in quartet and praised God.

From 10 to 13 December Missionaries Samuel Lee and Anna Lee of Zimbabwe visited us. We studied 2 lessons about ‘live by the Spirit’ and ‘fellowship with the Father’.

This year our son and 1st daughter grew to be our coworkers. They learned the basic skills of guitar and keyboard from Msn Deborah, and practiced them everyday diligently. Now they make spiritual environment with music for Sunday worship service.

For 2015 key verse, I pray to take John 13:35 which says, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” First of all, I pray to learn to love my wife, my kids, my taekwondo trainees, the students and all people around me. I pray to take care of the students and teach them the word of God with love.

Prayer topics

  1. To have campus daily bread and testimony sharing meeting for brothers and sisters
  2. To have a suitable Sunday worship service place
  3. To raise one ancestor of faith for the university of Botswana
  4. To serve all men with Jesus’ love