Africa New Year Conference 2015

  • by WMD
  • Jan 05, 2015
  • 1927 reads

“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” (2 Cor 4:6)

We had the 2015 African New Year conference in Nairobi, Kenya on December 26-28, 2014. It was a historical conference because many African leaders participated from each chapter with the vision as future pioneering directors and missionaries. We could realize that God has been richly blessing the African ministry during the past year. 42 missionaries, 23 African leaders, and 20 children attended the conference. Shepherdess Rossa Yoon, Mark Jr. and John Yoon from Korea, came to take care of the children with a beautiful program during the conference.

M. Moses Yoon, who is a Korean UBF representative to Africa, delivered the first main lecture, “The Message of the Cross” based on 1 Corinthians chapter 1. The message encouraged us to be able to help our sheep with the message of the cross despite our weaknesses and difficulties. It is because the gospel is the power of God. Pastor Abraham Kim delivered the second main lecture, based on 2 Corinthians chapter 4, “The Gospel: God’s Glory in the Face of Christ.” The message taught us that we must not lose heart because of our situation. It is because we have the gospel light--the glory of God. God will bless us with a victorious and fruitful life when we fix our eyes on God’s glory. We also thank Missionary Paul Chung from Chicago who gave us a special lecture, “Church Fathers” on the second night. We also had time to listen to African leaders’ Bible testimonies on the last day. We thank God for raising them to grow as our excellent co-workers who have spiritual struggle and shepherd mind. Lastly, we had a Sunday worship service led by Kenya UBF. After Sunday worship service, we had the chance to listen to the beautiful life testimonies of Missionary Jose Paul and Maria Ahn. In conclusion, this conference was significant and precious because many African leaders participated in all the programs with missionaries as their good co-workers and owners of the African ministry. They confessed that they were encouraged by mission reports, the Bible studies and messages during the conference.

Prayer topics for 2015

  1.  For pioneering 55 African nations
  2.  For Dr. Samuel Yoo’s pioneering ministry and settlement in Swaziland. He will move from Uganda to Swaziland on January 9, 2015.
  3.  For M. Philip Lee to be united with his family and serve the gospel mission together
  4.  For pioneering Rwanda and Mozambique in the near future
  5.  For the construction of the Bible house in Juba, South Sudan
  6.  For 2016 Africa New Year conference in Cape Town on December 25-27, 2015. Especially, we need prayer for the program.