Honduras Christmas Worship Service

  • by WMD
  • Dec 31, 2014
  • 1464 reads

Honduras UBF held Christmas worship service graciously on December 21, at French Cultural Center; the worship centered around Matthew 1: 23, "The Virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and  they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”), and 23 people attended here. In addition, simple drama, praise, life testimony and a guitar solo of Urim, second generation missionary, who has been learning it for three months, were offered to the Baby Jesus.

This year, God has shown us a hope through a shepherdess, feeble Henry (Industrial engineering), who has been growing as a leader. Shepherdess Henry is as poor as Job enough not to attend Sunday worship service without even one dollar in her pocket; she is also away alone and lives in a very dangerous region, owing to her parents’ divorce and contributing to support of her father and three brothers or sisters. Furthermore, what is worse, sometimes she would be sick and lie at home. However, she has been keeping her heart and her faith since her Bible study.

Her sheep, Jennifer (Industrial engineering) began to study Bible last year, and keeps on attending Sunday worship service faithfully by deciding to do it this summer. Though she was weak enough to receive psychiatric treatment, she has been changed to a healthy woman who continues to pray and eats spiritual daily bread, without taking medicine by faith. She also experienced her personal faith and glorified God through her victory, by passing all the difficult experiments and practice of a subject in her department, though even her classmates more efficient than she did not pass it.

Until now, the work of Honduras UBF is actually through the faith of these two sisters like barley bran cakes. Through them, their sisters or brothers came and these brothers or sisters also invited their friends, so a work that young men come to God, for which we have been praying all these days, takes place among us. The Christmas worship service was full of grace and joy from above by also inviting families and friends to this Christmas worship service and preparing for the best Christmas drama.

As trauma remained in me because of after-effects resulted from being shot last year, I was so anxious about news with continuous events or accidents that my heart was distracted with fears and troubles if I performed the Lord’s work or not. Though my heart was incessantly arduous and hard in unarranged thoughts, I could overcome the crises of every moment, by constantly meditating on and delivering the Lord’s word.

In particular, while preparing for Christmas worship message of “Immanuel”, I realized how the grace of the Lord Jesus was great, who has come as “Immanuel” to be with and to bear each person, like a faulty woman caught in adultery or Matthew smelling as a selfish tax-collector. Thank and praise the Lord Jesus, who has been with me to bear my infirmities for the last one year.

2015 Prayer Topics:

  1. To get a ground for building the center near the University.
  2. To rent the French Cultural Center in front of the University even every Sunday and use it as a worship place.
  3. To have 15 attendants at every Sunday worship service, and to raise up one Abraham.
  4. To keep on studying Paul’s Epistles, begun to study steadily from last year 2014 and faithfully prepare for and witness to 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy even in the new year 2015.
  5. To prepare for 2015 Central America International Bible Conference and invite to it (M. David Kang).