Thaipei UBF Christmas, Taiwan

  • by WMD
  • Dec 29, 2014
  • 1592 reads

Thank you for your prayers for our Christmas Sunday worship in Taipei, Taiwan.

This special Sunday service began with a short video made by Missionary Gloria entitled, “The Greatest Gift,”which opened our hearts to receive Baby Jesus. A Mongolian Shepherdess Sarnai sang a special song, “Mary, Did you Know?”She studies in Taichung a 2 hour travel to Taipei. She joined us to worship Baby Jesus together. Missionary Mark Hui delivered the Christmas message based on Luke Ch2. We saw the glory of Baby Jesus in the manger and were moved by Jesus’ humility. Missionary Mark personally received 2 Corinth.8:9, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” Though our chapter is small like a manger, our Lord Jesus has been working among us and giving life to us since 2005. Finally, Sister Jenny delivered her life testimony. She remembered God's grace that is changing her life. She is thankful to God, as she has just been admitted to a part-time PhD program in National Taiwan Normal University. We pray that Sister Jenny may have vision to serve wandering Taiwanese campus souls.
