Passage: Proverbs 18:1-24

Key verse: 24


18 An unfriendly person pursues selfish ends
    and against all sound judgment starts quarrels.

Fools find no pleasure in understanding
    but delight in airing their own opinions.(A)

When wickedness comes, so does contempt,
    and with shame comes reproach.

The words of the mouth are deep waters,(B)
    but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream.

It is not good to be partial to the wicked(C)
    and so deprive the innocent of justice.(D)

The lips of fools bring them strife,
    and their mouths invite a beating.(E)

The mouths of fools are their undoing,
    and their lips are a snare(F) to their very lives.(G)

The words of a gossip are like choice morsels;
    they go down to the inmost parts.(H)

One who is slack in his work
    is brother to one who destroys.(I)

10 The name of the Lord is a fortified tower;(J)
    the righteous run to it and are safe.(K)

11 The wealth of the rich is their fortified city;(L)
    they imagine it a wall too high to scale.

12 Before a downfall the heart is haughty,
    but humility comes before honor.(M)

13 To answer before listening—
    that is folly and shame.(N)

14 The human spirit can endure in sickness,
    but a crushed spirit who can bear?(O)

15 The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge,(P)
    for the ears of the wise seek it out.

16 A gift(Q) opens the way
    and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

17 In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right,
    until someone comes forward and cross-examines.

18 Casting the lot settles disputes(R)
    and keeps strong opponents apart.

19 A brother wronged(S) is more unyielding than a fortified city;
    disputes are like the barred gates of a citadel.

20 From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled;
    with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied.(T)

21 The tongue has the power of life and death,(U)
    and those who love it will eat its fruit.(V)

22 He who finds a wife finds what is good(W)
    and receives favor from the Lord.(X)

23 The poor plead for mercy,
    but the rich answer harshly.

24 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,
    but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.(Y)

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Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Source: BibleGateway


18 Whoever (A)isolates himself seeks his own desire;
    he breaks out against all sound judgment.
A fool takes no pleasure in understanding,
    but only (B)in expressing his opinion.
When wickedness comes, contempt comes also,
    and with dishonor comes disgrace.
The words of a man's mouth are (C)deep waters;
    the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.
It is not good to (D)be partial to[a] the wicked
    or to (E)deprive the righteous of justice.
A fool's lips walk into a fight,
    and his mouth invites (F)a beating.
(G)A fool's mouth is his ruin,
    and his lips are a snare to his soul.
(H)The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels;
    they go down into (I)the inner parts of the body.
Whoever is slack in his work
    is a (J)brother to him who destroys.
10 (K)The name of the Lord is (L)a strong tower;
    the righteous man runs into it and (M)is safe.
11 (N)A rich man's wealth is his strong city,
    and like a high wall in his imagination.
12 (O)Before destruction a man's heart is haughty,
    but (P)humility comes before honor.
13 If one gives an answer (Q)before he hears,
    it is his folly and shame.
14 A man's spirit will endure sickness,
    but (R)a crushed spirit who can bear?
15 An intelligent heart acquires knowledge,
    and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
16 A man's (S)gift makes room for him
    and brings him before the great.
17 The one who states his case first seems right,
    until the other comes and examines him.
18 (T)The lot puts an end to quarrels
    and decides between powerful contenders.
19 A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city,
    and quarreling is like the bars of a castle.
20 (U)From the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach is satisfied;
    he is satisfied by the yield of his lips.
21 (V)Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
    and those who love it will eat its fruits.
22 He who finds (W)a wife finds (X)a good thing
    and (Y)obtains favor (Z)from the Lord.
23 The poor use entreaties,
    but (AA)the rich answer roughly.
24 A man of many companions may come to ruin,
    but (AB)there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

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  1. Proverbs 18:5 Hebrew to lift the face of

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Source: BibleGateway

In this chapter, there are many wise warnings about watching what you say. Do your words get you into trouble again and again? (1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 21) We need to rely on the Lord’s Name and ask the Holy Spirit to help us have discernment (10, 15). For example, instead of talking, a gift is more powerful (16, 23).

What do you do when you confront wickedness and injustice (5)? We should not be passive, nor join in. We need to run to the Lord Jesus, and he becomes a strong tower to protect us (10). Proud people rely on money or themselves. But those who humbly rely on Jesus will be honored over others (12).

An angry brother can be unyielding not wanting to lose to his brother (19). But there is a friend who is closer than a brother (24). He is Jesus. He knows us and understands us and is ready to forgive. People can be good, like a prudent wife (22), and people can be harsh, like a stingy, rich person (23). Sometimes friends can be unreliable (24), and sometimes our family can’t be there to help us in our deep despair (14). But Jesus is our Faithful Friend. He is always there and speaks to us the words of life. Thank you, Jesus, for always being close to me.

Prayer: Father, thank you for Jesus who is my closest Friend. Help me to trust in Him.

One Word: What a Friend we have in Jesus!