Passage: Proverbs 10:19-32

Key verse: 28


19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words,
    but the prudent hold their tongues.(A)

20 The tongue of the righteous is choice silver,
    but the heart of the wicked is of little value.

21 The lips of the righteous nourish many,
    but fools die for lack of sense.(B)

22 The blessing of the Lord(C) brings wealth,(D)
    without painful toil for it.(E)

23 A fool finds pleasure in wicked schemes,(F)
    but a person of understanding delights in wisdom.

24 What the wicked dread(G) will overtake them;(H)
    what the righteous desire will be granted.(I)

25 When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone,
    but the righteous stand firm(J) forever.(K)

26 As vinegar to the teeth and smoke(L) to the eyes,
    so are sluggards to those who send them.(M)

27 The fear of the Lord adds length to life,(N)
    but the years of the wicked are cut short.(O)

28 The prospect of the righteous is joy,
    but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.(P)

29 The way of the Lord is a refuge for the blameless,
    but it is the ruin of those who do evil.(Q)

30 The righteous will never be uprooted,
    but the wicked will not remain in the land.(R)

31 From the mouth of the righteous comes the fruit of wisdom,(S)
    but a perverse tongue(T) will be silenced.

32 The lips of the righteous know what finds favor,(U)
    but the mouth of the wicked only what is perverse.(V)

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Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Source: BibleGateway


19 (A)When words are many, transgression is not lacking,
    (B)but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.
20 The tongue of the righteous is (C)choice silver;
    the heart of the wicked is of little worth.
21 The lips of the righteous feed many,
    but fools die for (D)lack of sense.
22 (E)The blessing of the Lord makes rich,
    and he adds no sorrow with it.[a]
23 Doing wrong is (F)like a joke to a fool,
    but (G)wisdom is pleasure to a man of understanding.
24 (H)What the wicked dreads (I)will come upon him,
    but (J)the desire of the righteous will be granted.
25 When (K)the tempest passes, the wicked is no more,
    but (L)the righteous is established forever.
26 Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes,
    so is the sluggard to those who send him.
27 (M)The fear of the Lord prolongs life,
    (N)but the years of the wicked will be short.
28 (O)The hope of the righteous brings joy,
    (P)but the expectation of the wicked will perish.
29 (Q)The way of the Lord is a stronghold to the blameless,
    but destruction to evildoers.
30 (R)The righteous will never be removed,
    but (S)the wicked will not dwell in the land.
31 (T)The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom,
    but the perverse tongue will be cut off.
32 The lips of the righteous (U)know what is acceptable,
    but the mouth of the wicked, (V)what is perverse.

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  1. Proverbs 10:22 Or and toil adds nothing to it

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Source: BibleGateway

There are many "blessings" that we seek out in the world. It’s easy for us to think: If only we have enough money, are healthy enough, beautiful enough, or holy enough, we will be satisfied. But these are never enough and end up amounting to disappointment in the end. Beauty fades, the body weakens, our holier than thou theology makes us self-righteous and divisive, and money can only go so far.

"The prospect of the righteous is joy." Joy is deeper than fleeting pleasures. Jesus' coming was heralded as good news of great joy to all people (Lk 2:10). In the Bible, joy is often expressed in relation to what one receives from God and also in relation to others' well-being. There is joy when we realize that God's love is greater than all our sins and shortcomings. God has come to help us in our sufferings and failures. He gives us new life and hope. God's joy is when one lost child is found, and we share his joy when we care for and help others in their need. Joy is multiplied when shared with others.

Prayer: Lord, give us the joy of your salvation. You came to love us in our lost-ness. May our joy increase as we share in your love for others.

One Word: Be joyful