Passage: Daniel 5:1-21

Key verse: 20


The Writing on the Wall

King Belshazzar(A) gave a great banquet(B) for a thousand of his nobles(C) and drank wine with them. While Belshazzar was drinking(D) his wine, he gave orders to bring in the gold and silver goblets(E) that Nebuchadnezzar his father[a] had taken from the temple in Jerusalem, so that the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines(F) might drink from them.(G) So they brought in the gold goblets that had been taken from the temple of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines drank from them. As they drank the wine, they praised the gods(H) of gold and silver, of bronze, iron, wood and stone.(I)

Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lampstand in the royal palace. The king watched the hand as it wrote. His face turned pale(J) and he was so frightened(K) that his legs became weak(L) and his knees were knocking.(M)

The king summoned the enchanters,(N) astrologers[b](O) and diviners.(P) Then he said to these wise(Q) men of Babylon, “Whoever reads this writing and tells me what it means will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around his neck,(R) and he will be made the third(S) highest ruler in the kingdom.”(T)

Then all the king’s wise men(U) came in, but they could not read the writing or tell the king what it meant.(V) So King Belshazzar became even more terrified(W) and his face grew more pale. His nobles were baffled.

10 The queen,[c] hearing the voices of the king and his nobles, came into the banquet hall. “May the king live forever!”(X) she said. “Don’t be alarmed! Don’t look so pale! 11 There is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods(Y) in him. In the time of your father he was found to have insight and intelligence and wisdom(Z) like that of the gods.(AA) Your father, King Nebuchadnezzar, appointed him chief of the magicians, enchanters, astrologers and diviners.(AB) 12 He did this because Daniel, whom the king called Belteshazzar,(AC) was found to have a keen mind and knowledge and understanding, and also the ability to interpret dreams, explain riddles(AD) and solve difficult problems.(AE) Call for Daniel, and he will tell you what the writing means.(AF)

13 So Daniel was brought before the king, and the king said to him, “Are you Daniel, one of the exiles my father the king brought from Judah?(AG) 14 I have heard that the spirit of the gods(AH) is in you and that you have insight, intelligence and outstanding wisdom.(AI) 15 The wise men and enchanters were brought before me to read this writing and tell me what it means, but they could not explain it.(AJ) 16 Now I have heard that you are able to give interpretations and to solve difficult problems.(AK) If you can read this writing and tell me what it means, you will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around your neck,(AL) and you will be made the third highest ruler in the kingdom.”(AM)

17 Then Daniel answered the king, “You may keep your gifts for yourself and give your rewards to someone else.(AN) Nevertheless, I will read the writing for the king and tell him what it means.

18 “Your Majesty, the Most High God gave your father Nebuchadnezzar(AO) sovereignty and greatness and glory and splendor.(AP) 19 Because of the high position he gave him, all the nations and peoples of every language dreaded and feared him. Those the king wanted to put to death, he put to death;(AQ) those he wanted to spare, he spared; those he wanted to promote, he promoted; and those he wanted to humble, he humbled.(AR) 20 But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride,(AS) he was deposed from his royal throne(AT) and stripped(AU) of his glory.(AV) 21 He was driven away from people and given the mind of an animal; he lived with the wild donkeys and ate grass like the ox; and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he acknowledged that the Most High God is sovereign(AW) over all kingdoms on earth and sets over them anyone he wishes.(AX)

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  1. Daniel 5:2 Or ancestor; or predecessor; also in verses 11, 13 and 18
  2. Daniel 5:7 Or Chaldeans; also in verse 11
  3. Daniel 5:10 Or queen mother

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Source: BibleGateway


The Handwriting on the Wall

(A)King Belshazzar (B)made a great feast for a thousand of his (C)lords and drank wine in front of the thousand.

(D)Belshazzar, when he tasted the wine, commanded that (E)the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father[a] had taken out of the temple in Jerusalem be brought, that the king and his lords, his wives, and his concubines might drink from them. Then they brought in (F)the golden vessels that had been taken out of the temple, the house of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his lords, his wives, and his concubines drank from them. They drank wine and (G)praised the (H)gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone.

(I)Immediately (J)the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall of the king's palace, opposite the lampstand. And the king saw (K)the hand as it wrote. (L)Then the king's color changed, (M)and his thoughts alarmed him; (N)his limbs gave way, and (O)his knees knocked together. (P)The king called loudly to bring in (Q)the enchanters, the (R)Chaldeans, and (S)the astrologers. The king declared[b] to the wise men of Babylon, (T)“Whoever reads this writing, and shows me its interpretation, shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around his neck and (U)shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.” Then all the king's wise men came in, but (V)they could not read the writing or make known to the king the interpretation. Then King Belshazzar was greatly (W)alarmed, and his (X)color changed, and his (Y)lords were perplexed.

10 The queen,[c] because of the words of the king and his lords, came into the banqueting hall, and the queen declared, (Z)“O king, live forever! Let not your thoughts alarm you (AA)or your color change. 11 There is a man in your kingdom (AB)in whom is the spirit of the holy gods.[d] In the days of your father, (AC)light and understanding and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods were found in him, and King Nebuchadnezzar, your father—your father the king—(AD)made him chief of the magicians, (AE)enchanters, Chaldeans, and astrologers, 12 (AF)because an excellent spirit, knowledge, and (AG)understanding (AH)to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and (AI)solve problems were found in this Daniel, (AJ)whom the king named Belteshazzar. Now let Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation.”

Daniel Interprets the Handwriting

13 Then Daniel was brought in before the king. The king answered and said to Daniel, “You are that Daniel, one of (AK)the exiles of Judah, whom the king my father brought from Judah. 14 I have heard of you that (AL)the spirit of the gods[e] is in you, and that (AM)light and understanding and excellent wisdom are found in you. 15 Now (AN)the wise men, the (AO)enchanters, have been brought in before me to read this writing and make known to me its interpretation, but (AP)they could not show the interpretation of the matter. 16 (AQ)But I have heard that you can give interpretations and (AR)solve problems. (AS)Now if you can read the writing and make known to me its interpretation, (AT)you shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around your neck and (AU)shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.”

17 Then Daniel answered and said before the king, (AV)“Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards to another. Nevertheless, I will read the writing to the king and make known to him the interpretation. 18 O king, the (AW)Most High God (AX)gave (AY)Nebuchadnezzar your father (AZ)kingship and greatness and glory and majesty. 19 And because of the greatness that he gave him, (BA)all peoples, nations, and languages (BB)trembled and feared before him. Whom he would, he killed, and whom he would, he kept alive; whom he would, he raised up, and whom he would, he humbled. 20 But (BC)when his heart was lifted up and his spirit was hardened so that he dealt proudly, (BD)he was brought down from his kingly throne, and his glory was taken from him. 21 (BE)He was driven from among the children of mankind, and his mind was made like that of a beast, and his dwelling was with the wild donkeys. He was fed grass like an ox, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, (BF)until he knew that the (BG)Most High God rules the kingdom of mankind and sets over it whom he will.

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  1. Daniel 5:2 Or predecessor; also verses 11, 13, 18
  2. Daniel 5:7 Aramaic answered and said; also verse 10
  3. Daniel 5:10 Or queen mother; twice in this verse
  4. Daniel 5:11 Or Spirit of the holy God
  5. Daniel 5:14 Or Spirit of God

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Source: BibleGateway
1. King Belshazzar gets a scary warning (1-12) King Belshazzar descended from Nebuchadnezzar. He made two big mistakes. At his party for 1 nobles he used the gold and silver goblets taken from the Lord's temple in Jerusalem. They praised gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone. A human hand appeared and wrote on the well-lit wall plaster. The king was frightened, and even more when no one could interpret it. The queen knew about Daniel and urged the king to call him. 2. King Belshazzar gets a history reminder (13-21) The king called for the exile Daniel and promised him rewards if he could read and interpret the hand's message on the wall. Daniel didn't want any rewards. Daniel would tell the king the meaning. He first reminded the king about the power and glory that the Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar. He told him what happened when the king became arrogant and proud, until he acknowledged God.

Prayer: Lord, have mercy on me to learn from my sins and the sins of others. In Jesus' name. Amen.

One Word: Remember what God has given; honor and fear him