Passage: Isaiah 47:1-15

Key verse: 10


The Fall of Babylon

47 “Go down, sit in the dust,(A)
    Virgin Daughter(B) Babylon;
sit on the ground without a throne,
    queen city of the Babylonians.[a](C)
No more will you be called
    tender or delicate.(D)
Take millstones(E) and grind(F) flour;
    take off your veil.(G)
Lift up your skirts,(H) bare your legs,
    and wade through the streams.
Your nakedness(I) will be exposed
    and your shame(J) uncovered.
I will take vengeance;(K)
    I will spare no one.(L)

Our Redeemer(M)—the Lord Almighty(N) is his name(O)
    is the Holy One(P) of Israel.

“Sit in silence,(Q) go into darkness,(R)
    queen city of the Babylonians;(S)
no more will you be called
    queen(T) of kingdoms.(U)
I was angry(V) with my people
    and desecrated my inheritance;(W)
I gave them into your hand,(X)
    and you showed them no mercy.(Y)
Even on the aged
    you laid a very heavy yoke.
You said, ‘I am forever(Z)
    the eternal queen!’(AA)
But you did not consider these things
    or reflect(AB) on what might happen.(AC)

“Now then, listen, you lover of pleasure,
    lounging in your security(AD)
and saying to yourself,
    ‘I am, and there is none besides me.(AE)
I will never be a widow(AF)
    or suffer the loss of children.’
Both of these will overtake you
    in a moment,(AG) on a single day:
    loss of children(AH) and widowhood.(AI)
They will come upon you in full measure,
    in spite of your many sorceries(AJ)
    and all your potent spells.(AK)
10 You have trusted(AL) in your wickedness
    and have said, ‘No one sees me.’(AM)
Your wisdom(AN) and knowledge mislead(AO) you
    when you say to yourself,
    ‘I am, and there is none besides me.’
11 Disaster(AP) will come upon you,
    and you will not know how to conjure it away.
A calamity will fall upon you
    that you cannot ward off with a ransom;
a catastrophe you cannot foresee
    will suddenly(AQ) come upon you.

12 “Keep on, then, with your magic spells
    and with your many sorceries,(AR)
    which you have labored at since childhood.
Perhaps you will succeed,
    perhaps you will cause terror.
13 All the counsel you have received has only worn you out!(AS)
    Let your astrologers(AT) come forward,
those stargazers who make predictions month by month,
    let them save(AU) you from what is coming upon you.
14 Surely they are like stubble;(AV)
    the fire(AW) will burn them up.
They cannot even save themselves
    from the power of the flame.(AX)
These are not coals for warmth;
    this is not a fire to sit by.
15 That is all they are to you—
    these you have dealt with
    and labored(AY) with since childhood.
All of them go on in their error;
    there is not one that can save(AZ) you.

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  1. Isaiah 47:1 Or Chaldeans; also in verse 5

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Source: BibleGateway


The Humiliation of Babylon

47 (A)Come down and sit in the dust,
    O virgin (B)daughter of Babylon;
(C)sit on the ground without a throne,
    O daughter of (D)the Chaldeans!
(E)For you shall no more be called
    tender and delicate.
Take the millstones and (F)grind flour,
    (G)put off your veil,
strip off your robe, uncover your legs,
    pass through the rivers.
Your nakedness shall be uncovered,
    and your disgrace shall be seen.
I will take vengeance,
    and I will spare no one.
(H)Our Redeemer—the Lord of hosts is his name—
    is the Holy One of Israel.

(I)Sit in silence, and go into darkness,
    O daughter of (J)the Chaldeans;
for you shall no more be called
    (K)the mistress of kingdoms.
(L)I was angry with my people;
    I profaned my heritage;
I gave them into your hand;
    (M)you showed them no mercy;
on the aged you made your yoke exceedingly heavy.
You said, “I shall be (N)mistress forever,”
    so that you did not lay these things to heart
    or remember their end.

Now therefore hear this, (O)you lover of pleasures,
    (P)who sit securely,
who say in your heart,
    (Q)“I am, and there is no one besides me;
(R)I shall not sit as a widow
    or know the loss of children”:
(S)These two things shall come to you
    in a moment, (T)in one day;
the loss of children and widowhood
    shall come upon you in full measure,
(U)in spite of your many sorceries
    and the great power of your enchantments.

10 You felt secure in your wickedness;
    you said, “No one sees me”;
your wisdom and your knowledge led you astray,
and you said in your heart,
    (V)“I am, and there is no one besides me.”
11 But evil shall come upon you,
    which you will not know how to charm away;
disaster shall fall upon you,
    for which you will not be able to atone;
(W)and ruin shall come upon you suddenly,
    of which you know nothing.

12 (X)Stand fast in your enchantments
    and your many sorceries,
    with which you have labored from your youth;
perhaps you may be able to succeed;
    perhaps you may inspire terror.
13 You are wearied with your many counsels;
    let them stand forth and save you,
(Y)those who divide the heavens,
    who gaze at the stars,
who at the new moons make known
    what shall come upon you.

14 Behold, (Z)they are like stubble;
    (AA)the fire consumes them;
they cannot deliver themselves
    from the power of the flame.
No coal for warming oneself is this,
    no fire to sit before!
15 Such to you are those with whom you have labored,
    who have done business with you from your youth;
they wander about, each in his own direction;
    there is no one to save you.

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The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Source: BibleGateway
1. Babylon will be humiliated (1-7) Babylon liked to be called a queen, tender and delicate, in comparison with Assyria, whom they conquered. They boasted they would be forever. Yet their rule over Judah was God's discipline to his people, not a testament to their power. The LORD would humiliate them for their pride, while redeeming his people Israel. How important to consider and reflect humbly on who God is and what he has done! 1. Disaster will come upon you (8-15) Since they loved pleasure (8), trusted in wicked sorcery, wisdom and knowledge and vainly considered themselves above all others, saying, "I am, and there is none besides me," disaster, calamity and catastrophe would come upon them. No spell, no astrologer, no prediction - these things they had depended on in their culture from the beginning - none of these would save them from God's wrath.

Prayer: Father, you are the LORD Almighty. Help me consider and reflect, and be humble before you.

One Word: The LORD alone saves