Passage: Joshua 18:1-19:51

Key verse: 18:4


Division of the Rest of the Land

18 The whole assembly of the Israelites gathered at Shiloh(A) and set up the tent of meeting(B) there. The country was brought under their control, but there were still seven Israelite tribes who had not yet received their inheritance.

So Joshua said to the Israelites: “How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you? Appoint three men from each tribe. I will send them out to make a survey of the land and to write a description of it,(C) according to the inheritance of each.(D) Then they will return to me. You are to divide the land into seven parts. Judah is to remain in its territory on the south(E) and the tribes of Joseph in their territory on the north.(F) After you have written descriptions of the seven parts of the land, bring them here to me and I will cast lots(G) for you in the presence of the Lord our God. The Levites, however, do not get a portion among you, because the priestly service of the Lord is their inheritance.(H) And Gad, Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh have already received their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan. Moses the servant of the Lord gave it to them.(I)

As the men started on their way to map out the land, Joshua instructed them, “Go and make a survey of the land and write a description of it.(J) Then return to me, and I will cast lots for you here at Shiloh(K) in the presence of the Lord.” So the men left and went through the land. They wrote its description on a scroll, town by town, in seven parts, and returned to Joshua in the camp at Shiloh. 10 Joshua then cast lots(L) for them in Shiloh in the presence(M) of the Lord, and there he distributed the land to the Israelites according to their tribal divisions.(N)

Allotment for Benjamin

11 The first lot came up for the tribe of Benjamin according to its clans. Their allotted territory lay between the tribes of Judah and Joseph:

12 On the north side their boundary began at the Jordan, passed the northern slope of Jericho and headed west into the hill country, coming out at the wilderness(O) of Beth Aven.(P) 13 From there it crossed to the south slope of Luz(Q) (that is, Bethel(R)) and went down to Ataroth Addar(S) on the hill south of Lower Beth Horon.

14 From the hill facing Beth Horon(T) on the south the boundary turned south along the western side and came out at Kiriath Baal (that is, Kiriath Jearim),(U) a town of the people of Judah. This was the western side.

15 The southern side began at the outskirts of Kiriath Jearim on the west, and the boundary came out at the spring of the waters of Nephtoah.(V) 16 The boundary went down to the foot of the hill facing the Valley of Ben Hinnom, north of the Valley of Rephaim.(W) It continued down the Hinnom Valley(X) along the southern slope of the Jebusite city and so to En Rogel.(Y) 17 It then curved north, went to En Shemesh, continued to Geliloth,(Z) which faces the Pass of Adummim,(AA) and ran down to the Stone of Bohan(AB) son of Reuben. 18 It continued to the northern slope of Beth Arabah[a](AC) and on down into the Arabah.(AD) 19 It then went to the northern slope of Beth Hoglah(AE) and came out at the northern bay of the Dead Sea,(AF) at the mouth of the Jordan in the south. This was the southern boundary.

20 The Jordan formed the boundary on the eastern side.

These were the boundaries that marked out the inheritance of the clans of Benjamin on all sides.(AG)

21 The tribe of Benjamin, according to its clans, had the following towns:

Jericho, Beth Hoglah,(AH) Emek Keziz, 22 Beth Arabah,(AI) Zemaraim,(AJ) Bethel,(AK) 23 Avvim,(AL) Parah, Ophrah,(AM) 24 Kephar Ammoni, Ophni and Geba(AN)—twelve towns and their villages.

25 Gibeon,(AO) Ramah,(AP) Beeroth,(AQ) 26 Mizpah,(AR) Kephirah,(AS) Mozah, 27 Rekem, Irpeel, Taralah, 28 Zelah,(AT) Haeleph, the Jebusite city(AU) (that is, Jerusalem(AV)), Gibeah(AW) and Kiriath—fourteen towns and their villages.(AX)

This was the inheritance of Benjamin for its clans.(AY)

Allotment for Simeon(AZ)

19 The second lot came out for the tribe of Simeon according to its clans. Their inheritance lay within the territory of Judah.(BA) It included:

Beersheba(BB) (or Sheba),[b] Moladah,(BC) Hazar Shual,(BD) Balah, Ezem,(BE) Eltolad,(BF) Bethul, Hormah,(BG) Ziklag,(BH) Beth Markaboth, Hazar Susah, Beth Lebaoth and Sharuhen—thirteen towns and their villages;

Ain, Rimmon,(BI) Ether and Ashan(BJ)—four towns and their villages— and all the villages around these towns as far as Baalath Beer (Ramah in the Negev).(BK)

This was the inheritance of the tribe of the Simeonites, according to its clans. The inheritance of the Simeonites was taken from the share of Judah,(BL) because Judah’s portion was more than they needed. So the Simeonites received their inheritance within the territory of Judah.(BM)

Allotment for Zebulun

10 The third lot came up for Zebulun(BN) according to its clans:

The boundary of their inheritance went as far as Sarid.(BO) 11 Going west it ran to Maralah, touched Dabbesheth, and extended to the ravine near Jokneam.(BP) 12 It turned east from Sarid(BQ) toward the sunrise to the territory of Kisloth Tabor and went on to Daberath(BR) and up to Japhia. 13 Then it continued eastward to Gath Hepher(BS) and Eth Kazin; it came out at Rimmon(BT) and turned toward Neah. 14 There the boundary went around on the north to Hannathon and ended at the Valley of Iphtah El.(BU) 15 Included were Kattath, Nahalal,(BV) Shimron,(BW) Idalah and Bethlehem.(BX) There were twelve towns and their villages.

16 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of Zebulun,(BY) according to its clans.(BZ)

Allotment for Issachar

17 The fourth lot came out for Issachar(CA) according to its clans. 18 Their territory included:

Jezreel,(CB) Kesulloth, Shunem,(CC) 19 Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath, 20 Rabbith, Kishion,(CD) Ebez, 21 Remeth, En Gannim,(CE) En Haddah and Beth Pazzez. 22 The boundary touched Tabor,(CF) Shahazumah and Beth Shemesh,(CG) and ended at the Jordan. There were sixteen towns and their villages.

23 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Issachar,(CH) according to its clans.(CI)

Allotment for Asher

24 The fifth lot came out for the tribe of Asher(CJ) according to its clans. 25 Their territory included:

Helkath, Hali, Beten, Akshaph,(CK) 26 Allammelek, Amad and Mishal.(CL) On the west the boundary touched Carmel(CM) and Shihor Libnath. 27 It then turned east toward Beth Dagon,(CN) touched Zebulun(CO) and the Valley of Iphtah El,(CP) and went north to Beth Emek and Neiel, passing Kabul(CQ) on the left. 28 It went to Abdon,[c](CR) Rehob,(CS) Hammon(CT) and Kanah,(CU) as far as Greater Sidon.(CV) 29 The boundary then turned back toward Ramah(CW) and went to the fortified city of Tyre,(CX) turned toward Hosah and came out at the Mediterranean Sea(CY) in the region of Akzib,(CZ) 30 Ummah, Aphek(DA) and Rehob.(DB) There were twenty-two towns and their villages.

31 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Asher,(DC) according to its clans.

Allotment for Naphtali

32 The sixth lot came out for Naphtali according to its clans:

33 Their boundary went from Heleph and the large tree in Zaanannim,(DD) passing Adami Nekeb and Jabneel(DE) to Lakkum and ending at the Jordan. 34 The boundary ran west through Aznoth Tabor and came out at Hukkok.(DF) It touched Zebulun(DG) on the south, Asher on the west and the Jordan[d] on the east. 35 The fortified towns were Ziddim, Zer, Hammath,(DH) Rakkath, Kinnereth,(DI) 36 Adamah, Ramah,(DJ) Hazor,(DK) 37 Kedesh,(DL) Edrei,(DM) En Hazor, 38 Iron, Migdal El, Horem, Beth Anath(DN) and Beth Shemesh.(DO) There were nineteen towns and their villages.

39 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Naphtali, according to its clans.(DP)

Allotment for Dan

40 The seventh lot came out for the tribe of Dan according to its clans. 41 The territory of their inheritance included:

Zorah, Eshtaol,(DQ) Ir Shemesh, 42 Shaalabbin, Aijalon,(DR) Ithlah, 43 Elon, Timnah,(DS) Ekron,(DT) 44 Eltekeh, Gibbethon,(DU) Baalath,(DV) 45 Jehud, Bene Berak, Gath Rimmon,(DW) 46 Me Jarkon and Rakkon, with the area facing Joppa.(DX)

47 (When the territory of the Danites was lost to them,(DY) they went up and attacked Leshem(DZ), took it, put it to the sword and occupied it. They settled in Leshem and named(EA) it Dan after their ancestor.)(EB)

48 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Dan,(EC) according to its clans.

Allotment for Joshua

49 When they had finished dividing the land into its allotted portions, the Israelites gave Joshua son of Nun an inheritance among them, 50 as the Lord had commanded. They gave him the town he asked for—Timnath Serah[e](ED) in the hill country of Ephraim. And he built up the town and settled there.

51 These are the territories that Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun and the heads of the tribal clans of Israel assigned by lot at Shiloh in the presence of the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting. And so they finished dividing(EE) the land.(EF)

  1. Joshua 18:18 Septuagint; Hebrew slope facing the Arabah
  2. Joshua 19:2 Or Beersheba, Sheba; 1 Chron. 4:28 does not have Sheba.
  3. Joshua 19:28 Some Hebrew manuscripts (see also 21:30); most Hebrew manuscripts Ebron
  4. Joshua 19:34 Septuagint; Hebrew west, and Judah, the Jordan,
  5. Joshua 19:50 Also known as Timnath Heres (see Judges 2:9)

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Source: BibleGateway


Allotment of the Remaining Land

18 Then the whole congregation of the people of Israel assembled at (A)Shiloh and set up (B)the tent of meeting there. The land lay subdued before them.

There remained among the people of Israel seven tribes whose inheritance had not yet been apportioned. So Joshua said to the people of Israel, (C)“How long will you put off going in to take possession of the land, which the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you? Provide three men from each tribe, and I will send them out that they may set out and go up and down the land. They shall write a description of it with a view to their inheritances, and then come to me. They shall divide it into seven portions. (D)Judah shall continue in his territory on the south, (E)and the house of Joseph shall continue in their territory on the north. And you shall describe the land in seven divisions and bring the description here to me. (F)And I will cast lots for you here before the Lord our God. (G)The Levites have no portion among you, for the priesthood of the Lord is their heritage. (H)And Gad and Reuben and half the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan eastward, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave them.”

So the men arose and went, and Joshua charged those who went to write the description of the land, saying, “Go up and down in the land and write a description and return to me. And I will cast lots for you here before the Lord in Shiloh.” So the men went and passed up and down in the land and wrote in a book a description of it by towns in seven divisions. Then they came to Joshua to the camp at Shiloh, 10 and Joshua (I)cast lots for them in Shiloh before the Lord. And there Joshua apportioned the land to the people of Israel, (J)to each his portion.

The Inheritance for Benjamin

11 The lot of the tribe of the people of Benjamin according to its clans came up, and the territory allotted to it fell between the people of Judah and the people of Joseph. 12 (K)On the north side their boundary began at the Jordan. (L)Then the boundary goes up to the shoulder north of Jericho, then up through the hill country westward, and it ends at the wilderness of (M)Beth-aven. 13 From there the boundary passes along southward in the direction of Luz, to the shoulder of (N)Luz (that is, Bethel), then the boundary goes down to (O)Ataroth-addar, on the mountain that lies south of Lower (P)Beth-horon. 14 Then the boundary goes in another direction, turning on the (Q)western side southward from the mountain that lies to the south, opposite Beth-horon, and it ends at Kiriath-baal ((R)that is, Kiriath-jearim), a city belonging to the people of Judah. This forms the western side. 15 And the southern side begins at the outskirts of Kiriath-jearim. And the boundary goes from there to Ephron,[a] (S)to the spring of the waters of Nephtoah. 16 Then the boundary goes down to the border of the mountain that overlooks (T)the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, which is at the north end of the Valley of (U)Rephaim. And it then goes down the (V)Valley of Hinnom, south of the shoulder of the Jebusites, and downward to (W)En-rogel. 17 Then it bends in a northerly direction going on to En-shemesh, and from there goes to Geliloth, which is opposite the ascent of Adummim. Then it goes down to (X)the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben, 18 and passing on to the north of (Y)the shoulder of Beth-arabah[b] it goes down to (Z)the Arabah. 19 Then the boundary passes on to the north of the shoulder of (AA)Beth-hoglah. And the boundary ends at the northern bay of (AB)the Salt Sea, at the south end of the Jordan: this is the southern border. 20 The Jordan forms its boundary on the eastern side. This is the inheritance of the people of Benjamin, according to their clans, boundary by boundary all around.

21 Now the cities of the tribe of the people of Benjamin according to their clans were (AC)Jericho, Beth-hoglah, Emek-keziz, 22 Beth-arabah, Zemaraim, Bethel, 23 Avvim, Parah, Ophrah, 24 Chephar-ammoni, Ophni, Geba—twelve cities with their villages: 25 Gibeon, Ramah, Beeroth, 26 Mizpeh, Chephirah, Mozah, 27 Rekem, Irpeel, Taralah, 28 Zela, Haeleph, (AD)Jebus[c] (that is, Jerusalem), Gibeah[d] and Kiriath-jearim[e]—fourteen cities with their villages. This is the inheritance of the people of Benjamin according to its clans.

The Inheritance for Simeon

19 The second lot came out for Simeon, for the tribe of the people of Simeon, according to their clans, (AE)and their inheritance was in the midst of the inheritance of the people of Judah. (AF)And they had for their inheritance Beersheba, Sheba, Moladah, Hazar-shual, Balah, Ezem, Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah, Ziklag, Beth-marcaboth, Hazar-susah, Beth-lebaoth, and Sharuhen—thirteen cities with their villages; Ain, Rimmon, Ether, and Ashan—four cities with their villages, together with all the villages around these cities as far as Baalath-beer, Ramah of the Negeb. This was the inheritance of the tribe of the people of Simeon according to their clans. (AG)The inheritance of the people of Simeon formed part of the territory of the people of Judah. Because the portion of the people of Judah was too large for them, the people of Simeon obtained an inheritance in the midst of their inheritance.

The Inheritance for Zebulun

10 The third lot came up for the people of Zebulun, according to their clans. And the territory of their inheritance reached as far as Sarid. 11 Then their boundary goes up (AH)westward and on to Mareal and touches Dabbesheth, then the brook that is east of (AI)Jokneam. 12 From Sarid it goes in the other direction eastward toward the sunrise to the boundary of Chisloth-tabor. From there it goes to Daberath, then up to Japhia. 13 From there it passes along on the east toward the sunrise to Gath-hepher, to Eth-kazin, and going on to Rimmon it bends toward Neah, 14 then on the north the boundary turns about to Hannathon, and it ends at the Valley of Iphtahel; 15 and Kattath, Nahalal, (AJ)Shimron, Idalah, and Bethlehem—twelve cities with their villages. 16 This is the inheritance of the people of Zebulun, according to their clans—these cities with their villages.

The Inheritance for Issachar

17 The fourth lot came out for Issachar, for the people of Issachar, according to their clans. 18 Their territory included Jezreel, Chesulloth, (AK)Shunem, 19 Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath, 20 Rabbith, Kishion, Ebez, 21 Remeth, En-gannim, En-haddah, Beth-pazzez. 22 The boundary also touches Tabor, Shahazumah, and Beth-shemesh, and its boundary ends at the Jordan—sixteen cities with their villages. 23 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the people of Issachar, according to their clans—the cities with their villages.

The Inheritance for Asher

24 The fifth lot came out for the tribe of the people of Asher according to their clans. 25 Their territory included Helkath, Hali, Beten, Achshaph, 26 Allammelech, Amad, and Mishal. On the west it touches (AL)Carmel and Shihor-libnath, 27 then it turns eastward, it goes to Beth-dagon, and touches Zebulun and the Valley of Iphtahel northward to Beth-emek and Neiel. Then it continues in the north to (AM)Cabul, 28 Ebron, Rehob, Hammon, Kanah, as far as (AN)Sidon the Great. 29 Then the boundary turns to Ramah, reaching to the fortified city of Tyre. Then the boundary turns to Hosah, and it ends at the sea; Mahalab,[f] Achzib, 30 Ummah, Aphek and Rehob—twenty-two cities with their villages. 31 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the people of Asher according to their clans—these cities with their villages.

The Inheritance for Naphtali

32 The sixth lot came out for the people of Naphtali, for the people of Naphtali, according to their clans. 33 And their boundary ran from Heleph, from (AO)the oak in Zaanannim, and Adami-nekeb, and Jabneel, as far as Lakkum, and it ended at the Jordan. 34 Then the boundary turns (AP)westward to Aznoth-tabor and goes from there to Hukkok, touching Zebulun at the south and Asher on the west and Judah on the east at the Jordan. 35 The fortified cities are Ziddim, Zer, Hammath, Rakkath, (AQ)Chinnereth, 36 Adamah, Ramah, (AR)Hazor, 37 Kedesh, Edrei, En-hazor, 38 Yiron, Migdal-el, Horem, Beth-anath, and Beth-shemesh—nineteen cities with their villages. 39 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the people of Naphtali according to their clans—the cities with their villages.

The Inheritance for Dan

40 The seventh lot came out for the tribe of the people of Dan, according to their clans. 41 And the territory of its inheritance included Zorah, Eshtaol, Ir-shemesh, 42 (AS)Shaalabbin, (AT)Aijalon, Ithlah, 43 Elon, Timnah, Ekron, 44 Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath, 45 Jehud, Bene-berak, Gath-rimmon, 46 and Me-jarkon and Rakkon with the territory over against (AU)Joppa. 47 When (AV)the territory of the people of Dan was lost to them, the people of Dan went up and fought against Leshem, and after capturing it and striking it with the sword they took possession of it and settled in it, calling Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their ancestor. 48 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the people of Dan, according to their clans—these cities with their villages.

The Inheritance for Joshua

49 When they had finished distributing the several territories of the land as inheritances, the people of Israel gave an inheritance among them to Joshua the son of Nun. 50 By command of the Lord they gave him the city that he asked, (AW)Timnath-serah in the hill country of Ephraim. And he rebuilt the city and settled in it.

51 (AX)These are the inheritances that Eleazar the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the heads of the fathers' houses of the tribes of the people of Israel distributed by lot (AY)at Shiloh before the Lord, at the entrance of the tent of meeting. So they finished dividing the land.

  1. Joshua 18:15 See 15:9; Hebrew westward
  2. Joshua 18:18 Septuagint; Hebrew to the shoulder over against the Arabah
  3. Joshua 18:28 Septuagint, Syriac, Vulgate; Hebrew the Jebusite
  4. Joshua 18:28 Hebrew Gibeath
  5. Joshua 18:28 Septuagint; Hebrew Kiriath
  6. Joshua 19:29 Compare Septuagint; Hebrew Mehebel

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Source: BibleGateway
1. Joshua helped his people spiritually (18:1-1 ) Seven tribes were slow to obey God and possess their land. Joshua helped them overcome. First, he rebuked them with the truth. He directed them to send three men from each tribe to survey their allotment and write a description of it. Then Joshua cast lots for them at the tabernacle. In doing so, they allowed God to assign tribes to certain lands. Joshua acted as a good shepherd. 2. God's wisdom in the allotments (18:11-19:51) The allotments were clearly described with the boundaries and the cities listed. This is God's wisdom. If each tribe had their own territory, then each would be responsible for it. They could not delay in clearing the land. Each region would have ownership, a clear identity and unity. God helps us overcome procrastination so we can move ahead.

Prayer: Lord, so often I hesitate to obey your words. But I thank you for helping me to obey you, through others and also by your Spirit.

One Word: God helps us in our time of need